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Somebody's Me

Tone: [G]
Capo: 1st Fret
[G] [C] [G] [C]
(Verse 1)
[G] You, Do y[C]you remember [G]me
Like [C]I remember yo[G]you
[C]Do you spend you life go[Am]go
ing back in your mind to that [C]time
[G]Cause I, [C]I walk the streets [G]alone
[C]I hate being on my [G]own
And [C]everyone can see that,
[Am]I really fell And I'm go[C]going through hell
Think[Am]Thinking about you with somebo[C]somebody else
[G]Somebody wants you Som[D]Somebody needs you
Somebody d[Am]dreams about you every single [C]night
[G] Somebody can't breathe Without you it[D]it's lonely
And somebody h[Am]hopes that one day you'll se[C]see
That someb[G]somebody's [C]me
That someb[G]somebody's [C]me
(Verse 2)
[G]How, How d[C]did we go wro[G]wrong
It was so g[C]good and now it's g[G]gone
And I p[C]pray at night, That our p[Am]path soon will cross,
and what we [D]had is a lost
Cause your alwa[Am]always right here in my th[D]thoughts
[G]Somebody wants you Som[D]Somebody needs you
Somebody d[Am]dreams about you every single [C]night
[G] Somebody can't breathe Without you it[D]it's lonely
And somebody h[Am]hopes that one day you'll se[C]see
That someb[G]somebody's [C]me
That someb[G]somebody's [C]me
You will al[Bm]always be in my life
Even i[C]if I'm not in your life
Ca[G]Cause you're in my memor[D]memory
(Verse 3)
[G]You When y[C]you remember [G]me
And b[C]before you set me fr[G]free
Oh, l[C]listen please
[G]Somebody wants you Som[D]Somebody needs you
Somebody d[Am]dreams about you every single [C]night
[G] Somebody can't breathe Without you it[D]it's lonely
And somebody h[Am]hopes that one day you'll se[C]see
That someb[G]somebody's [C]me
That someb[G]somebody's [C]me
That somebody's me
That somebody's me
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Updated 2024-05-23
Views: 612 Poster: gamepsych117 (Tobi approved)
Author: Enrique Iglesias Genre: Pop Favorite: 0
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