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Train Leaves Here This Morning

[E] [Esus4] [E] [Esus4] [E] [Esus4] [E]
[E]I lost ten points just for bein' in the ri[D]right place
At exac[B7]exactly the wrong [E]time, [Esus4] [E]
[E]I looked right at the facts there but I ma[D]may
As well have be[B7]been completely bl[E]blind [Esus4] [E]
So if [C#m]you see me walkin' all al[F#7]alone,
Don't look [C#m]back; I'm just on my way back [F#7]home
[Fmaj7]There's a tr[E]train leaves here this mornin', I don't kn[D]know
[B7]What I might be o[E]on
[E]She signed me to a contract, baby sa[D]said
It would al[B7]all be so lifel[E]lifelong [Esus4] [E]
[E]I looked around then for a reason when there [D]wasn't
Something mo[B7]more to blame it o[E]on
But if [C#m]time makes a diff'rence while we're go[F#7]gone,
Tell me [C#m]now and I won't be hangin' o[F#7]on
[E]Thirteen-twenty North Columbus was the addr[D]address
That I wr[B7]ote down on my sl[E]eeve,[Esus4] [E]
[E]I don't know just what she wanted might have be[D]been
That it was [B7]gettin' time to [E]leave
And I [C#m]watched as the smokeer passed it o[F#7]on,
And I [C#m]laughed when the joker said, "Lead on[F#7]on"
[E]There's a train leaves here this mornin', I don't kn[D]know
[B7]What I might [Eb]be on___________[E]on___________ [EaddF#]
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Updated 2019-09-12
Views: 2,130 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: The Eagles Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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