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Coming Down

Em Halsey F#m Vote rhythm
Capo 2nd.
Verse 1
I found G[Em]God
I found him in a[C]a lover
When his[G]his hair falls in his face
And his [C]hands so cold they shake
I found th[Em]the Devil
I found him in a[C]a lover
And his[G]his lips like tangerine
In his[C]his color coded speak
Now we're[Em]we're lost somewhere in outer space
In a[G]a hotel room where demons play
They[Em]They run around beneath our feet
We[C]We roll around beneath these sheets
I've[Em]I've got a lover
a[C]a love like religion
[G]I'm such a fool fo[C]for sacrifice
[Em]It's coming down, down[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down[C]down, coming down
I've[Em]I've got a lover
and[C]and I'm unforgiving
[G]I'm such a fool to[C]to pay this price
[Em]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
Verse 2
I found a[Em]a martyr
He told me that I'[C]I'd never
With his [G]educated eyes
and his[C]his head between my thighs
I found [Em]a savior
I don't think h[C]he remembers
'Cause he'[G]he's off to pay his crimes
and he'[C]he's got no time for mine
Now we're[Em]we're lost somewhere in outer space
In a[G]a hotel room where demons play
They[Em]They run around beneath our feet
We[C]We roll around beneath these sheets
I've[Em]I've got a lover
a[C]a love like religion
[G]I'm such a fool fo[C]for sacrifice
[Em]It's coming down, down[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down[C]down, coming down
I've[Em]I've got a lover
and[C]and I'm unforgiving
[G]I'm such a fool to[C]to pay this price
[Em]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[Em]Every single night pray th[C]the sun will rise
[Em]Every single time mak[G]make a compromise
[Em]Every single night pray[C]pray the sun will rise[G]rise, but
[Em]It's coming down, down, I'm coming down
[C]It's coming down, down, I'm coming down
I've[Em]I've got a lover
a[C]a love like religion
[G]I'm such a fool fo[C]for sacrifice
[Em]It's coming down, down[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down[C]down, coming down
I've[Em]I've got a lover
and[C]and I'm unforgiving
[G]I'm such a fool to[C]to pay this price
[Em]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[Em]Every single night pray th[C]the sun will rise
[Em]Every single time mak[G]make a compromise
[Em]Every single night pray[C]pray the sun will rise[G]rise, but
[Em]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[Em]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[Em]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[Em]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
[G]It's coming down, down,[C]down, coming down
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Updated 2019-08-30
Views: 2,744 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Zarker approved)
Author: Halsey Genre: Pop Ballad Favorite: 3
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