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F Halsey Bbm Vote rhythm
Capo 1
Verse 1
Are you ins[F]insane like me? Been in[Dm]in pain like me?
Bought a hu[Am]hundred dollar bottle of champa[C]champagne like me?
Just to pou[F]pour that motherfucker down the d[Dm]drain like me?
Would you u[Am]use your water bill to dry the st[C]stain like me?
Verse 2
Are you hi[F]high enough without the Mary [Dm]Jane like me?
Do you t[Am]tear yourself apart to entert[C]entertain like me?
Do the p[F]people whisper ‘bout you on the [Dm]train like me?
Saying t[Am]that you shouldn't waste your pret[C]pretty face like me?
And all the people say
[Am]You can’t wake up, this is not a dream
[C]You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your f[F]face all made up, living on a screen
[Dm]Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline
[Am](Oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, oh)
I th[C]think there’s a fault in my code
[F](Oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, oh)
These v[Dm]voices won’t leave me alone
Well my h[F]heart is gold and my h[Dm]hands are cold
[Am] [C] [F] [Dm] [Am] [C]
Verse 3
Are you der[F]deranged like me? Are you s[Dm]strange like me?
Lighting mat[Am]matches just to swallow up the [C]flame like me?
Do you c[F]call yourself a fucking hurric[Dm]hurricane like me?
Pointing fing[Am]fingers cause you’ll never take the b[C]blame like me?
And all the people say
[Am]"You can’t wake up, this is not a dream
[C]You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your f[F]face all made up, living on a screen
[Dm]Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline"
[Am](Oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, oh)
I th[C]think there’s a fault in my code
[F](Oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, oh)
These v[Dm]voices won’t leave me alone
Well my h[F]heart is gold and my h[Dm]hands are cold
[Am] [C] [F] [Dm] [Am] [C]
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Updated 2019-08-29
Views: 2,840 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: Halsey Genre: Pop Favorite: 2
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