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Someone Singing Along

Em James Blunt G#m Vote rhythm
Tone: [Em]
Capo: 4
S[G]Somebody's gonna [Em]wave a flag
Somebody's going [G]to attack
Someone will tell you to [Am]take a side
Tell you their version of wr[C]wrong or right
Somebody's gonna [Em]let you in
Judged on the color [G]of your skin
Slam a door in the face[Am]face of your friend
Simply because you don't l[C]look like him
A[C]And then you gotta find a [Em]way that you're wakin'
Everybody's w[G]walkin'
You gotta find the
words to [Am]say when you're talkin'
Everybody's t[C]talkin'
So [G]I
Built the w[Bm]words
Into a [Em]song
I'm hopin' s[C]someone's singing al[G]along
And even [Bm]if
Some notes are w[Em]wrong
I'm hopin' s[C]someone's singing al[G]along
'Ca[G]'Cause just one voice is [Bm]not enough
[Em] I need to hear from [C]everyone
[G] And even when I'm [Bm]dead and gone
[Em] I'm hopin' [C]someone's singing a[G]along
S[G]Somebody's gonna b[Em]build a wall
Then smash it with a c[G]cannon ball
Someone who somehow has [Am]got a gun
Will tell you who you can't and y[C]you can love
Some people keeping [Em]all the cash
They're gonna get aw[G]away with that
Just 'cause some people don't t[Am]think like me
Does that really make them the [C]enemy?
A[C]And then you gotta find a [Em]way that you're wakin'
Everybody's w[G]walkin'
You gotta find the words
to [Am]say when you're talkin'
Everybody's t[C]talkin'
So [G]I
Built the w[Bm]words
Into a [Em]song
I'm hopin' s[C]someone's singing al[G#]along
And even [Bm]if
Some notes are w[Em]wrong
I'm hopin' s[C]someone's singing al[G]along
'Ca[G]'Cause just one voice is [Bm]not enough
[Em] I need to hear from [C]everyone
[G] And even when I'm [Bm]dead and gone
[Em] I'm hopin' [C]someone's singing a[G]along
M[G]Make a noise
I can [Bm]hear you now
Won't you r[Em]raise your voice
Just a l[C]little louder
M[G]Make a noise
I can [Bm]hear you now
Won't you r[Em]raise your voice
Just a l[C]little louder
So [G]I
Built the w[Bm]words
Into a [Em]song
I'm hopin' s[C]someone's singing al[G]along
And even [Bm]if
Some notes are w[Em]wrong
I'm hopin' s[C]someone's singing al[G]along
'Ca[G]'Cause just one voice is [Bm]not enough
[Em] I need to hear from [C]everyone
[G] And even when I'm [Bm]dead and gone
[Em] I'm hopin' [C]someone's singing a[G]along [G]
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Updated 2019-11- 7
Views: 3,001 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: James Blunt Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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