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Dream A Little Dream Of Me

Tone: [C]
[C] [B7] [G#] [G]
[C]Stars sh[B7]ining bright[G#] abov[G]e you;
[C]Night br[B7]eezes seem to w[A]hisper I lo[A7]ve you.
[F]Birds singing in the syc[Fm]sycamore tree.
[C]Dream a little [G#]drea[G]dream [C]of[G]of me.
[C]Say nigh[B7]ty-night an[G3maj]d kiss m[G]e;
[C]Just hol[B7]d me tight and t[A]ell me you'[A7]ll miss me.
[F]While I'm alone, b[Fm]blue as can be,
[C]Dream a li[G#]little [G]drea[C]m o[E7]f me.
[A]Stars fad[F#m]ing but I[Bm] linger on[E], dear---
[A]Still cra[F#m]craving your[Bm]your kiss. [E]
[A]I'm longi[F#m]longing to li[Bm]linger till [E]dawn, dear,
[A]Just [F#m]sayin[G#]saying t[G]this...
(Chords are the same as first verse)
[C]Sweet dr[B7]eams till sunbea[G#]ms find y[G]ou---
[C]Sweet dr[B7]eams that leave all wo[A]rries behind[A7] you.
[F]But in your dreams, what[Fm]whatever they be,
[C]Dream a little [G#]drea[G]dream [C]of[G]of me.
[A]Stars fad[F#m]ing but I[Bm] linger on[E], dear---
[A]Still cra[F#m]craving your[Bm]your kiss. [E]
[A]I'm longi[F#m]ng to lin[Bm]ger till d[E]awn, dear,
[A]Just [F#m]sayin[G#]saying t[G]this...
Sweet d[B7]dreams till sunbe[G#]sunbeams find [G]you---
[C]Sweet dr[B7]eams that leave all wo[A]rries far be[A7]hind you.
[F]But in your dreams, what[Fm]whatever they be,
[C]Dream a little [G#]drea[G]dream [C]of[G]of me.
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Updated 2020-05-11
Views: 9,469 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Mama Cass Genre: US-UK Favorite: 4
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