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I Built a Friend

A Alec Benjamin A Vote rhythm
Verse 1
I built a friend[A]friend with three pieces of plastic and a pen[F#m]pen,
I made him on the table in the den[D]den,
I gave him my old cellphone for a head[A]head,
For a head[E]head.
And we [A]spent holidays in my house,
And we l[F#m]left presents in the stocking,
And we bou[D]bought bolts and things and strings and a new watch[A]watch,
That's what he got[E]got.
[D]And we had so much fun together,
[A]We knew we'd be [E]friends forever.
[D]And we had so much fun together,
[A]we had so much fun[E]fun.
Verse 2
Then I l[A]left for college in September
And we w[F#m]wept cause we can't be together
So I k[D]kept pictures to remember my old friend,[A]friend,
My old fri[E]friend.
Then I m[A]met this girl at graduation
And forg[F#m]forget my oldest creation
And I g[D]guess I'll see him next vacation
Send my [A]best, I send my [E]best
[D]And we had so much fun together,
[A]We knew we'd be [E]friends forever.
[D]And we had so much fun together,
[A]we had so much fun[E]fun.
Verse 3
I came hom[A]home to find him on the table with a n[F#m]note
Scribbled out in pencil and he wr[D]wrote
That he just wasn't stable all alo[A]alone,
All alo[E]alone.
Next to hi[A]him, an empty glass of water that he spill[F#m]spilled
All over the body that I b[D]built,
It fizzled and it popped and then it k[A]killed,
And then it kil[E]killed.
[D]And we had so much fun together,
[A]We thought we'd [E]be friends forever.
[D]And we had so much fun together,
[A]we had so much fun[E]fun.
I built a f[A]friend.
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Updated 2019-09- 7
Views: 5,266 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: Alec Benjamin Genre: Ballad Favorite: 2
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