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Cold Arms

B Mumford & Sons B Vote rhythm
Tone: [B]
Verse 1:
[B] Weekend wreckers take the [Gb]streets
[Abm] With abandon in their e[Eb7]eyes
[Dbm] But in our
bedroom we're bloodshot and[Gb]and beat
[Dbm] And never so a[Abm]alive
[E] And I know what's on your [B]mi-[Eb7]mi-i-in[E]i-ind
God knows I put it [B]the[Eb7]the-e-e[E]-e-ere
But if I took it [B]ba-[Eb7]ba-a-a-[E]a-a-ck
Well you'd be nowhere[Em]nowhere
You'd be nowhere again[B]again
Verse 2:
[B] Now look at you all [Gb]torn up
[Abm] I left you waiting to b[Eb7]bleed
[Dbm] I guess the truth works two w[Gb]ways
[Dbm] Maybe the truth's not what we n[Abm]need
[E] And I know what's on your [B]mi-[Eb7]mi-i-in[E]i-ind
God knows I put it [B]the[Eb7]the-e-e[E]-e-ere
But if I took it [B]ba-[Eb7]ba-a-a-[E]a-a-ck
Well you'd be nowhere[Em]nowhere
You'd be nowhere again[B]again
[B] But in my [Eb7]cold a[Abm]arms [E]
You don't [B]sleep
In my [Eb7]cold a[Abm]arms [E]
Your fear [B]beats
In my [Eb7]cold a[Abm]arms [E] [Em]
You [B]stay
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Updated 2024-07-15
Views: 94 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Mumford & Sons Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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