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mess it up

Tone: [C]
Verse 1
[C] Opened two double doors
Typical, pretty sure I could grow [Am]up
Probably chemical
I took up walking to turn it all [F]off
Doesn't feel bearable
Guess I thought when I left it would all [C]stop
Hmmm, it would all stop
Chorus 1
Did I [Am]fall out of [F]line when I [C]called you?
When I [Am]told you "I'm [F]fine" you were [C]lied to
How could [Am]I think that [F]all that I [C]gave you was e[G/B]enough?
'Cause every time I get too close I just go mess it up
Verse 2
[C] Funny that didn't work (didn't work)
I could be anywhere, I'm on your [Am]block
Cynical (cynical), terrible (terrible)
Kicking myself with my gut in a [F]knot
'Cause I heard that you're (heard that you're), happier (happier)
Hope that you're sleeping wеll knowing I'm [C]not
I'm doing too much, hmm-hmm-hmm hmmmm-hmm
Chorus 2
Did I [Am]fall (did I fall) out of [F]line (out
of line) when I [C]called you? (ah-ah-ah-ahhh-ah)
When I [Am]told (when I told) you "I'm [F]fine" (you
"I'm fine") you were [C]lied to (I told you I'm lying)
How could [Am]I think that [F]all that I [C]gave you was e[G/B]enough?
'Cause every time I get too close I just go mess it up
[Am]I keep thinking maybe if you [F]let me back in
[C]We can make it better, breakin' every habit
[Am]Pull myself together, you could [F]watch it happen
[C]Let it happen, let it happen
[Am]I keep thinking maybe if you [F]let me back in
[C]We can make it better, breakin' every habit
[Am]Pull myself together, you could [F]watch it happen
[C]Let it happen, let it happen
(Did I [Am]fall ---------------- out of [F]line)
I keep thinking maybe if you let me back in
(When I [C]called you?)
We can make it better, breakin' every habit
(When I [Am]told ----------------- you "I'm [F]fine")
Pull myself together, you could watch it happen
(You were [C]lied to, ---- lied to)
Let it happen, ------- let it happen
(How could [Am]I --------------- think that [F]all)
I keep thinking maybe if you let me back in
(That I [C]gave you ------------- was --- enough?)
We can make it better, breakin' every habit
('Cause every time I [Am]get -- too -- close
- I ------- [F]just --- go --- mess it up)
Pull myself together, you could watch it happen
[C]Let it happen, let it happen
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Updated 2024-03-21
Views: 989 Poster: Lily (Tobi approved)
Author: Gracie Abrams Genre: Pop Favorite: 3
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