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I'll Make Cereal

G Cavetown G Vote rhythm
Tone: [G]
F[G]Fall into my mattress en[D]endlessly
I need to run, just let me[B]me sleep
Then the nightmares come that[C]that feel so real
S[G]Seems the darkness weighs it[D]it down
The later on, the more it [B]pounds
And in the morning I' ll m[C]make cereal
T[G]The world' s coming to an[D]an end
What' s the point if we can' t[B]t be friends?
Pick me up from dungeon' s[C]s ferris wheel
Ge[G]Getting lost inside my[D]my head
Not too long ' til we' re [B]all dead
And in the morning I' ll ma[C]make cereal
So[C]So what' ll it be
Cor[D]Cornflakes or toast?
Pil[Em]ls or a dose of radi[G]ation[D]?
Ar[C]Armageddon is far[D]far too close
Sh[Em]She visits me ever[C]every night
At[C] least it makes go[D]od convers[G]ation
M[G]Marine comes before[D]before ET
Maybe space is under th[B]the sea
And the sky is full of c[C]coral reefs
U[G]UFOs swim in the da[D]dark
We' re fixated on the s[B]sharks
Slicing fins and pluckin[C]plucking their teeth
A[G]All of this it comes to[D]to me
In the deep corners of my[B]my sleep
And the bed frame starts to cre[C]creak and reel
F[G]Fish leave poison in my br[D]brain
Starts to turn me i[B]insane
But in the morning I' ll ma[C]make cereal
A[C]s always I' l[D]l make cer[G]eal
A[C]s always I' l[D]l make my favourit[G]e cereal
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Updated 2020-02-28
Views: 2,730 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Cavetown Genre: Ballad , US-UK Favorite: 1
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