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Verse 1 Dm G I'm happy for you C I'm smiling for you C7 I'
Tobi, 14 / 12, 2021 C C7 Dm G 2,924
Intro: B Eb E Em Verse 1: B When you were here before
Tobi, 5 / 12, 2022 B E Eb Em 2,429
Verse 1 It's really [E7]bad I fall too [Am]hard One simple [F]chat I'€™ve got n [C]o guard Ch
Tobi, 3 / 08, 2020 Am C E7 F 2,346
Verse I w[A]alked into the room and then i saw your face you l[E6]ooked me in the eye and i want
Tobi, 8 / 08, 2021 A Bm7 E6 E7 Eb6 1,860
Intro: Ab Cm Bbm Eb7 Hmm, mm, mmm Ab Cm Bbm Eb7 Hmm, mm, mmm Ab Cm Bbm Eb7 Hmm, mm, mmm Ab
Tobi, 16 / 08, 2023 Ab Bbm Bbm7 Cm Db Eb7 1,784
Verse 1: C I wanna live out where the sky meets the sea G D Wit
Tobi, 23 / 04, 2023 C D G 1,395
Intro: G G7 C Cm Verse 1: G G7 For a long time, I would sit alone and
Tobi, 27 / 06, 2023 C Cm Cmaj7 G G7 1,208
Verse 1: Em The trees look cold A All the leaves fell off D
Tobi, 7 / 08, 2023 A D Em G 990
Verse 1: D There's a warmth A G In the coldness of the room
Tobi, 2 / 10, 2023 A Bm D Em G 715
freestar Verse 1: Dbm7 Gb7 I think we saw it comin' Bmaj7
Tobi, 18 / 01, 2025 B B7 Bmaj7 Dbm7 Gb7 240