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Stealing Cars

Ebm James Bay Ebm Vote rhythm
[Ebm] [Abm] [Ebm] [Db] [Ebm]
All we need is a spark [Abm]
A second chance, a lifeline [Ebm] [Db]
[Ebm]Waiting [Gb]up in the dark[Abm]dark
Holding up for a search li[B]light [Gb] [Db]
[B]No I don't know[Gb]know why se[Db]seasons change [Ebm]
Or [B]how we fell [Gb]so far [Ab]
[B]Before our hear[Gb]hearts go up in fl[Abm]flames
[Ebm]Let's go [B]throwing stone[Gb]stones
[Db]And stealing ca[Ebm]cars
[B] [Gb] [Abm] [Ebm] [B] [Gb] [Db]
[Ebm]Let the heat of the sun [Abm]
Reignite your memory [Ebm]
'Cause if we just [Gb]turn and run [Abm]
Let them fire the gun [Bb]
[B]No I don't know[Gb]know why se[Db]seasons change [Ebm]
Or [B]how we fell [Gb]so far [Ab]
[B]Before our hear[Gb]hearts go up in fl[Abm]flames
[Ebm]Let's go [B]throwing stone[Gb]stones
[Db]And stealing ca[Ebm]cars
[B]Silence and smoke remind us [Gb]
[B]Maybe the world won't find us [Gb]
[B]Fall to the Earth in red lig[Abm]light 'til it's gone [B] [Gb]
[B] [Gb] [Abm] [Ebm] [B] [Gb] [Ab]
[B] [Gb] [Abm] [B] [Gb] [Bbm]
[B]No I don't know [Gb]why seasons c[Abm]change [Ebm]
[B]How we get back to the sta[Gb]stars [Ab]
[B]Before our hearts go up in [Gb]flames [Ab] [Eb]
[Ebm]Let's go [B]throwing stone[Gb]stones
And ste[Db]stealing cars [Ebm]
Let's go thro[B]throwing stones [Gb]
[Bbm]And stealing car[Ebm]cars
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Updated 2019-08-29
Views: 2,098 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Zarker approved)
Author: James Bay Genre: Pop Ballad Favorite: 0
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