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Join date: 09/08/2023


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Favorite of happyzyme

Verse1 [C]Slip inside the [G]eye of your [Am]mind Don't you [E]know you might [F][G]find A better
Lâm Hoàng Đức, 18 / 08, 2019 Am C E F Fm G G#dim 8,643
Verse 1: [G] Almost Heaven, [Em] West Virginia [D] Blue Ridge Mountains, [C] Shenandoah [G] River
Zarker, 26 / 07, 2019 C D D7 Em F G 12,148
Well, [G]you done done me and you bet I felt it I [D]tried to be chill but you're so hot that I me
Tobi, 21 / 06, 2019 C D D7 Em G 20,297