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Verse 1 Em7 G Today is gonna be the day Dsus4 A7sus4 That the
Bui Nhu Sy, 22 / 08, 2019 A7sus4 B C Cadd9 D Dsus4 E Em Em7 F# G G5 9,991
Verse1 [C]Slip inside the [G]eye of your [Am]mind Don't you [E]know you might [F][G]find A better
Lâm Hoàng Đức, 18 / 08, 2019 Am C E F Fm G G#dim 8,641
Intro G B7 C C/B D (x 2) Verse1 G B7 Made a meal and t
Zarker, 21 / 08, 2019 A7 Am B B7 C D Dsus4 Em F F# G 8,527
[Intro] G D C Em D x2 [Verse1] G D
Tobi, 7 / 09, 2019 A A# A#sus4 C C# C#add9 D D# D#7 Em F G G# Gb 6,264
[Intro] E G# C#m A C B7 E [Verse] E G# C#m A There's no need fo
Tobi, 7 / 09, 2019 A A7 B B7 C C#m E E7#9 F# G G# G#m 6,079
[Verse1] G D Maybe I don't really want to know Am How your garden
Tobi, 7 / 09, 2019 Am C D Em Fmaj7 G 5,228
[Verse1] E G# C#m A E G# C#m A She's____electric, she's i
Tobi, 7 / 09, 2019 A Amaj7 B C C#m D E E7 G# 5,175
[Verse1] Em G A I need to be myself Em G A I can't
Tobi, 7 / 09, 2019 A B7 C D Em G 4,797
Intro C Fmaj C Fmaj Verse [C]I would like to [Fmaj]leave this city, [C]this old town don't [
Tobi, 26 / 08, 2019 Am C C/B D E Fm Fmaj G G7 4,653
[Intro] C/G E/C C/G E/C [Verse1] C/G Who kicked a hole in the sky
Tobi, 7 / 09, 2019 Am Am7 Bb9 C D E E7 Fmaj7 G G# 4,575