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Come Over

E Noah Kahan E Vote rhythm
Verse 1
[E]I'm in the business of l[B]losin' your interest
And [A]I turn a profit each time that we speak
Don't you know[E]know there's a coffin buried [B]under the garden
It was th[A]there when we got here, will be there when we leave
And my h[E]house was designed to kinda l[B]look like its cryin'
The [A]eyes are the windows, the garage is the mouth
So when they m[E]mention thе sad kid
In a s[B]sad house on Balch street
You w[A]won't have to guess who thеy speakin' about
Come ov[E]over [B] [A]
Come ov[E]over [B] [A]
Verse 2
[E]I'm in the process of cl[B]clearin' out cobwebs
I was t[A]takin' the wrong meds, feels good to be sad
And my house[E]house is just barely big en[B]enough for my family
But it f[A]feels like a fortress when the weather gets bad
And my mouth[E]mouth was designed for my f[B]foot to fit in it
Oh, the w[A]words, they went missin' when the stock market crashed
And the D[E]Dow Jones keeps fallin', but I pr[B]promise you, darlin'
With the v[A]view in the morning, you won't ever go back
Come ov[E]over [B] [A]
Come ov[E]over [B] [A]
Come ov[E]over [B] [A]
Come ov[E]over [B] [A]
[E] I know that it ain't m[B]much, I know that it ain't c[A]cool
[E] Oh, you don't have to t[B]tell the other kids at[A]at school
[C#m] My dad'll strike it r[B/D#]rich, we'll be the big house on[A]on the block
[E] Someday I'm gonna b[B]be somebody peopl[A]people want
[E]I'm in the business of l[B]losin' your interest
And [A]I turn a profit each time that we speak
Don't you know[E]know there's a coffin buried [B]under the garden
It was th[A]there when we got here, will be there when we leave
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Updated 2024-12-20
Views: 331 Poster: ellam (Tobi approved)
Author: Noah Kahan Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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