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All Things End

Am Hozier Am Vote rhythm
Tone: [Am]
Verse 1:
[Am]..a two-tonne we[C]weight around my c[F]chest feels like
[Dm]..It just dr[Em]dropped a twenty-st[Am]twenty-storey height
If th[Am]ere was anyone[C]
to eve[F]r get through this life
With th[Dm]eir heart still int[Em]
act, they didn't D[Am]o it right
The l[Am]ast time I felt[C] your
wei[F]ght on my chest, you said
"We d[Dm]idn't get it right[Em],
but love, we d[F]id our b[Em]est"
[Ebm]...And we will ag[Dm]again
M[Am]Moving on in time and taking m[G]more from
Everything that e[F]ends
And [E]all th[Abdim]things.. [Am]end
[G]All that w[C]e int[F]end is scr[E]awl[Abdim]ed in [Am]sand
It sl[G]ips right thro[C]ugh our h[F]ands
And j[E]ust k[Abdim]now--i[Am]ng
That e[G]veryth[C]ing will e[F]nd
should not change our pl[Dm]plans
When we begin again
[C]...[F]..we begin ag[Dm]ain[E], hmm-[Am]mm
Verse 2:
I have n[Am]never known a
silence like th[F]the one fallen here
Never w[Dm]atch my future d[Em]arken in a s[Am]ingle tear
I know we w[Am]ant this to Go e[C]
asy by being[F] somebody's fault
But we've gone l[Dm]long enough to kn[Em]know
This isn't[F]isn't what we want[Em]want
[Ebm]...And that isn't always b[Dm]bad
When p[Bb]people say that something is for[Am]forever
Either way, it en[F]ends
And [E]all th[Abdim]things e[Am]end
[G]All that w[C]e int[F]end is scr[E]awled [Abdim]in san[Am]d
and sl[G]ips right thro[C]ugh our h[F]and
And j[E]ust k[Abdim]now--i[Am]ng
That [G]everyth[C]everything will [F]end
should not change our pl[Dm]plan
When we begin ag[F]again
We begin ag[Dm]again
We begin ag[E]again, hm-mm
[G]And [Gb]all th[Bbdim]things e[Bm]end
[A]All that w[D]e int[G]end is b[Gb]uilt[Bbdim] on sa[Bm]nd
slips[A] right through[D] our h[G]ands
And j[Gb]ust k[Bbdim]now--i[Bm]ng
That [A]everyth[D]everything will [G]end
Won't ch[Gb]change [Bbdim]our pl[Bm]plans
When w[A]e beg[D]in ag[G]ain
And all things end
-Knowing we can always start again-
All that we intend is scrawled in sand
-Knowing we can have another day,
knowing we can always start again-
It slips right through our hand
-Knowing we can have another day-
And just knowing
-Knowing we can always start again-
That everything will end
should not change our plans
When we begin again
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Updated 2024-11-19
Views: 404 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Hozier Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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