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Word Up!

Gbm Korn Gbm Vote rhythm
Tone: [Gbm]
[Gb] [E] [D]
[Gb]Yo pretty ladies ar[E]around the world
Got a [D]weird thing to show [E]you so tell all
the bo[Gb]ys a[E]nd g[Gb]irls
Tell your brother, your sister and your [D]mamma too
We're a[D]bout to go do[E]wn and you k[Gb]now ju[E]st wha[Gb]t to do
Wave your h[Gb]hands in the air like y[E]you don't care
[D]Glide by the p[E]eople as they[Gb] start to l[E]ook an[Gb]d stare
Do your dan[Gb]dance, do your dance, do [E]your dance quick mamm[D]mamma
Come o[E]on baby tell me w[Gb]what's [E]the wo[Gb]rd
[Gb]A Word up - up up - eve[E]everybody say
When you h[D]ear the ca[E]ll you've got t[Gb]o get [E]it und[Gb]er way
Word up[Gb] it's the cod[E]e word, No mat[D]ter where you say[E] it
you k[Gb]now th[E]at you[Gb]'ll be heard
[Gb]Now all you sucker DJs who th[E]think you're fly
There's [D]got to be a [E]reason and we [Gb]know t[E]the rea[Gb]reason why
You try to p[Gb]put on those airs and act[E]act real cool
But you [Gb]got to real[E]realize that you're a[Gb]acting [E]like a[Gb] fool
if it's a mus[Gb]music, we can use it, be fr[E]free to dance
[D]We don't have the [E]time for psy[Gb]cholog[E]ical r[Gb]omance
No rom[Gb]ance, no romance, n[E]o romance for me ma[D]mma
Come on b[E]baby tell me w[Gb]what's [E]the wo[Gb]rd
[Gb]A Word up - up up - eve[E]everybody say
When you h[D]ear the ca[E]ll you've got t[Gb]o get [E]it und[Gb]er way
Word up[Gb] it's the cod[E]e word, No mat[D]ter where you say[E] it
you k[Gb]now th[E]at you[Gb]'ll be heard - whoo! -
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Updated 2024-10-28
Views: 231 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Korn Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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