Tone: [Bm]
These days I [Bm]wear my body like an
uninvited gu[Em]guest
I turn it r[G]right, and right, and right,
instead of turning le[A]left
But boy, your p[Bm]patience is a magic kind
of medi[Em]medicine
'Cause every s[Em]spiral brings me back into
your arms ag[A]again
So no reg[Bm]regrets, 'cause you're my [Em]sunset
Fiery r[G]red, forever f[A]fearless
And in your [Bm]arms a warm hor[Em]horizon
Don't look b[G]back, let's ride a[A]away, let's
ride a[Bm]away [Em](Hey [A]
Remover anúncio
Segunda Parte
So many s[Bm]stories we were told about a
safety n[Em]net (Hey!)
But when I l[G]look for it, it's just a hand
that's holding m[A]mine
I'm wearing b[Bm]black to mourn the sudden
loss of innoc[Em]innocence
And that's alr[G]alright because it hides the
dirt and hides the w[A]wine
So no reg[Bm]regrets, 'cause you're my [Em]sunset
Fiery r[G]red, forever f[A]fearless
And in your [Bm]arms a warm hor[Em]horizon
Don't look b[G]back, let's ride a[A]away, let's
ride a[Bm]away
Refrão Final
So no reg[Bm]regrets, 'cause you're my [Em]sunset
Fiery r[G]red, forever f[A]fearless
And in your [Bm]arms a warm hor[Em]horizon
Don't look b[G]back, let's ride a[A]away, let's
ride a[Bm]away
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