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Tone: [Em]
[Em]You were my conscience
[C] so solid [D]now you're like water
[Em] And we started drowning
[C] not like we'd [D]sink any farther
[Em] But I let my heart go
[C] it's somewhere [D]down the bottom
[Em] But I'll get a new one
[C] come back from the
[D]hope that you've stolen[Em]stolen [Em]
[C] I'll stop the whole world
[Em] I'll stop the [D]whole world
From [C]turning into a
monster [Em]eating us a [D]live
Don't you ever [C]wonder
how we sur[Em]survive?[D]vive?
Well now that your [C]gone
the [D]world is [Em]ours[C]ours [D] [Em] [C] [D]
[Em] I'm only human
[C] I've got a s[D]skeleton in me
[Em] but I'm not the villain
[C] despite what you're [D]always preaching
[Em] Call me a traitor
[C] I'm just col[D]collecting your victims
[Em] And they're getting stronger
[C] I hear them [D]calling[Em]calling [Em]calling
[C] I'll stop the whole world
[Em] I'll stop the [D]whole world
From [C]turning into a
monster [Em]in this [D]life
Don't you ever [C]wonder
how we sur[Em]survive?[D]vive?
Well now that your [C]gone
the [D]world is [Em]ours[C]ours [D] [Em] [C] [D]
[Am] well you find your
s[G]strength in solutions
[C] but i like the[G]the ten[D]tension
[Am] And not always
[G]knowing the answers
[C] You're gonna lose it
[D] You're gonna lose it[Em]it [Em] [Em] [Em]
[C] I'll stop the whole world
[Em] I'll stop the [D]whole world
From [C]turning into a
monster [Em]in this [D]life
Don't you ever [C]wonder
how we sur[Em]survive?[D]vive?
Well now that your [C]gone
the [D]world
[C] I'll stop the whole world
[Em] I'll stop the [D]whole world
From [C]turning into a
monster [Em]in this [D]life
Don't you ever [C]wonder
how we sur[Em]survive?[D]vive?
Well now that your [C]gone
the [D]world is ours
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Updated 2023-08-17
Views: 1,535 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Paramore Genre: Rock Ballad Favorite: 0
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