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In Memoriam

Tone: [Bm]
Verse 1:
[Bm]well, it's a [D]long way out to reach the [Bm]sea
but I'm sure [D]I'll find you waiting there for [Bm]me
and by the t[D]time I blink, I'll see [A]your wild arms swinging
just to m[Bm]meet me in the middle of the [G]road
and you'll [Bm]hold me like you'll never let me g[G]go
and besi[Bm]beside the salty water, I could h[A]hold you close,
but you are [D]far too beautiful to [Bm]love me
[D] [Bm]
Verse 2:
it's a [D]long climb up the dusty m[Bm]mountain
to build a [D]turret tall enough to[Bm]to keep you out
but when you [D]wage your wars against the o[A]one who adores you,
then you'll [Bm]never know the treasure that [G]you're worth
but I've [Bm]never been a wealthy one b[G]before
I've got [Bm]holes in my pockets burn[A]burned by liars' gold,
and I think I'm [D]far too poor for you to [Bm]want me
[D] [Bm] [D] [Bm]
[D] [A] [Bm] [G]
[E] [G] [E] [G]
[D] [Bm]
Verse 3:
it's been a [D]long road, losing all I've[Bm]I've owned
and you don't [D]know what you've got until you'[Bm]you're gone
and it's a n[D]nasty habit, spending a[A]all you have, but
when you're [Bm]doing all the leaving, then it's n[G]never your love lost
and if you l[Bm]leave before the start, then there was[G]was never love at all
and heaven k[Bm]knows I'm prone to leave the only G[G]God I should have loved,
and yet you're [D]far too beautiful to l[Bm]leave me
[D] [Bm] [D] [Bm]
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Updated 2023-05- 9
Views: 1,089 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: The Oh Hellos Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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