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Disco! In The Panic Room

Tone: [F]
Verse 1:
[F]I’ve got [Ab]skills, they don’t [C]know where to [Bb]use me
[F]I’m like the [Ab]best-dressed [C]dude at the [Bb]nude beach
[F]Nice to m[Ab]meet you [C] [Bb]
[F] [Ab] [C] [Bb]
[F]I am more the [Ab]quiet type
I [C]tend to be a [Bb]shyer guy
[F]As safe as kne[Ab]knee and elbow pads
In [C]cul-de-sacs w[Bb]with traffic lights
[F]I spend most o[Ab]of my time alone
[C]It’s not all [Bb]that bad, you know
[F]I lost some we[Ab]weight from an[C]an
xious pacing [Bb]talking on the telephone
If [F]I look cool, I’m [Ab]foolin’ you
At [C]any point, you [Bb]can assume
My [F]mind’s computing [Ab]every path
that [C]screws up what I [Bb]want to do
[F]Lock the door
[Ab]Seal it, too
[C]Dancing in the [Bb]panic room!
[F]I made a [Ab]promise
[C]Now I feel n[Bb]nauseous
As i[F]if I chugged a [Ab]cup of stuff
you c[C]lean your countert[Bb]ops with
But [F]no Lysol won't [Ab]solve this
So [C]I am out of o[Bb]options
It’s [F]past my [Ab]bedtime and I’m [C]honestly ex[Bb]exhausted [Ab]
[F]And I just w[Ab]wanna be [C]more than nost[Bb]nostalgia
Re[F]Received like a [Ab]hot dog d[C]down at the [Bb]dog park
[F]Be your [Ab]best friend [C] [B]
[F] [Ab] [C] [Bb]
Verse 2:
The [F]things that I c[Ab]can’t shoulder well
I [C]pass on to my o[Bb]older self
And [F]hope I learn to [Ab]cope so I
don’t [C]end up roped or o[Bb]overwhelmed
‘Cause [F]vocally, I’m [Ab]not the best
I’m [C]openly admitting [Bb]that
But [F]if you cared I [Ab]doubt you would
have [C]made it past [Bb]McCracken, yeah
If [F]I look brave, I’m [Ab]secretly
Pre[C]Pretending I’m a [Bb]different me
The [F]one onstage who p[G]plays and sings
and [C]claps and shouts and [Bb]basically
Be[F]Behind the door
Just [Ab]out of view
[C]Dancing in the [Bb]panic room
[F]I made a [Ab]promise
[C]Now I feel n[Bb]nauseous
As i[F]if I chugged a [Ab]cup of stuff
you c[C]lean your countert[Bb]ops with
But [F]no Lysol won't [Ab]solve this
So [C]I am out of o[Bb]options
It’s [F]past my [Ab]bedtime and I’m [C]honestly ex[Bb]exhausted [Ab]
but if you [Bb]want it
[Ab] [Bb]
[F]Now wouldn’t it be the [Ab]best if
all the [C]answers to our [Bb]questions
Came as [F]sheepish reali[Ab]
zations, obvio[C]us in retros[Bb]pective
Like the [F]answer for an[Ab]anxiety
that’s [C]crept into your [Bb]head
Is as [F]simple as your [Ab]printer: you for[C]forgot to plug it [Bb]in
In[F]Instead of playing [Ab]Twister with my [C]lyrics ‘cause I [Bb]can
And filling [F]every sylla[Ab]syllable with
lots of [C]bull, should I [Bb]instead
Give you the [F]simple sing-al[Ab]sing-along
you’re all [C]hoping will come [Bb]next
Or do I [F]load this [G]mother up
and [C]do-dah-do what I do best?
[F]So here’s[Ab]here’s my promise
[C]Don’t aim for [Bb]flawless
‘Cause s[F]some of your best [Ab]art is
made with [C]chalk on your side[Bb]sidewalk, it's
[F]Gone when[Ab]when you wash it off, it’s
Not [C]made for fame or p[Bb]profits
[F]It’s look[Ab]lookin’ back and givin’ [C]all you got to [Bb]top it [Ab]
But if you [Bb]want it
[Ab] [Bb]
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Updated 2023-04-24
Views: 807 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Bug Hunter Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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