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C Lyn Lapid C Slow Rock
Tone: [C]
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking
Welcome aboard Flight 833, the service to planet [C]Saturn
May I have you please fasten [C7]your seat belts [Dm] [Bdim]
Verse 1:
I wish [C]you could understand [C7]
I'm not half as put to[Dm]together as you think I am [Bdim]
I fear if I was [C]honest, I'd scare you a[C7]away
Built you to be[Dm]believe I was doing o[Bdim]okay [C]
But I'll [C7]keep it underwater for you, [Dm]babe, hm? [Bdim] [C]
I [C7]won't let you discover that I [Dm]hate this place
Wish that [C]I could [C7]disap[Dm]disappear
-Where nothing matters, [Bdim]nothing matters-
[C]I would [C7]volun[Dm]volunteer
-And move to Saturn,[Bdim]Saturn, to Saturn-
Verse 2:
And I've never been in love [C7]
Wonder if I'll ever [Dm]find someone who thinks that I'm e[Bdim]enough
Don't ask me if I'm [C]happy or distracted [C7]
And I've become somebody [Dm]I
can't recognize so I can [Bdim]finally be wanted [C]
But I'll [C7]keep it underwater for you, [Dm]babe, hm? [Bdim] [C]
I [C7]won't let you discover that I [Dm]hate this place
Wish that [C]I could [C7]disap[Dm]disappear
-Where nothing matters, [Bdim]nothing matters-
[C]I would [C7]volun[Dm]volunteer
-And move to Saturn,[Bdim]Saturn, to Saturn-
[C]Dance on her rings and for[C7]forget everything that I'm [Dm]anxious ab[Bdim]about
Wish that [C]I could [C7]disap[Dm]disappear
-Where nothing matters,[Bdim]matters, to Saturn-
Been so good for you, baby [C7]
You don't know how much that I've [Dm]kept to myself
Put on a shelf f[F]for [Em]you
And don't you think it's scary [C7]
How I don't want to be on this [Dm]Earth anymore
Yeah, I'm out the door, don't [Ddim]wait up for me
Wish that [C]I could [C7]disap[Dm]disappear
-Where nothing matters, [Bdim]nothing matters-
[C]I would [C7]volun[Dm]volunteer
-And move to Saturn,[Bdim]Saturn, to Saturn-
[C]Dance on her rings and for[C7]forget everything that I'm [Dm]anxious ab[Bdim]about
Wish that [C]I could [C7]disap[Dm]disappear
-Where nothing matters,[Bdim]matters, to Saturn-
[C] [C7] [Dm] [Bdim]
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Updated 2022-12-19
Views: 1,288 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Lyn Lapid Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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