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Back When We Had Nothing

G#m BANNERS E Vote rhythm
Verse 1
[G#m]Flags upon the fl[B]floor
And on this cold [E]war
Battle t[B]torn
Soldiers f[E]fold
Lay down[F#]down your arm[G#m]arms
Losing all contr[B]control
And down this rabbit hol[E]hole
Lost sou[B]souls letting g[F#]go
[F#]But I won't
[E] Down these halls
These holy wall[G#m]walls
Echoes of light
Lost in time[F#]time
Do you hear me call?
[B] Back when we had nothing[C#m]nothing
We n[G#m]never stopped running [E]
[G#m]Back when we had nothing [E]
We had [F#]everything [B]
I feel my blood rushing [C#m]
[G#m]Burning like a glory [E]blaze
[G#m]Back when we had nothing [E]
We had [F#]everything [B]
Verse 2
[G#m] Eyes against the wall[B]walls
Won't surrende[E]surrender
Bullets f[B]fly
Blinding sk[E]skies
If we d[F#]die ton[G#m]tonight
When it all goes up in fl[B]flames
We'll fly this hur[E]hurricane
We'll wash a[B]away like tidal wa[E]waves
As it fa[F#]fades
[E] Down these halls
These holy wall[G#m]walls
Echoes of light
Lost in time[F#]time
Do you hear me call?
[B] Back when we had nothing[C#m]nothing
We n[G#m]never stopped running [E]
[G#m]Back when we had nothing [E]
We had [F#]everything [B]
I feel my blood rushing [C#m]
[G#m]Burning like a glory [E]blaze
[G#m]Back when we had nothing [E]
We had [F#]everything [B]
[B] [C#m] [G#m] [E] [G#m] [E]
[F#]We had everything [B]
[G#m]Back when we had not[E]nothing
We had[F#]had everything [B]
[B] Back when we had nothing[C#m]nothing
We n[G#m]never stopped running [E]
[G#m]Back when we had nothing [E]
We had [F#]everything [B]
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Updated 2019-09-17
Views: 1,792 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: BANNERS Genre: Pop Ballad Favorite: 0
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