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Capo 3
[Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F] [Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F]
[Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F] [Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F]
[Am]Raise Above Gonna S[Em]Start The W[F]War! [C] [F]
What You [Am]Want, What You Need,
And What'd You C[Em]Come Here F[F]For? [C] [F]
Well, E[Am]ye For An Eye And An "[Em]F" For Fi[F]ght [C] [F]
They're Ta[Am]king Me Down As The P[Em]risoners Rio[F]t! [C] [F]
(Oo[C](Ooooh) I've Got Sh[Fm]Shackles On, My Words Are Tied
(Oo[C](Ooooh) F[Fm]Fear Can Make You Compromise
(Ooo[C](Oooh) With The Lig[Fm]Lights Turned Up, It's Hard To Hide
(Oo[C](Ooooh) [Fm]Sometimes I Want To Disappear
[Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F] [Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F]
[Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F] [Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F]
When I F[Am]eel Kinda Bad And Don't W[Em]ant To St[F]ress [C] [F]
I Just P[Am]Pass It Off On Ab[Em]Ability [F] [C] [F]
Well You G[Am]ot What You Want,
And What You Ne[Em]ver Kn[F]ew [C] [F]
It's A Pe[Am]Perfect Gift From [Em]Me To Y[F]You [C] [F]
(Oo[C](Ooooh) I've Got Sh[Fm]Shackles On, My Words Are Tied
(Oo[C](Ooooh) F[Fm]Fear Can Make You Compromise
(Ooo[C](Oooh) With The Lig[Fm]Lights Turned Up, It's Hard To Hide
(Oo[C](Ooooh) [Fm]Sometimes I Want To Disappear
Seocnd Fill-in:
[Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F] [Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F]
(Raise u[Am]up to your [Em]ability[F]ability) [C]
Y[C]You never knew that I could f[F]find [Am]
[Am]What could come when we [Em]realiz[F]realize [C]
[C]The sun won't stop with the compromis[F]compromise
(Raise u[Am]up to your [Em]ability[F]ability) [C]
[C]Can't stand when I disappear[F]disappear
R[Am]Run around before I'm fi[Em]filled with [F]fear
L[C]Like a glue cause my life's on r[F]red
(Raise u[Am]up to your [Em]ability[F]ability) [C]
[C]I know that you wa[F]want me
T[Am]hrow me in[Em]to the se[F]a
[C]For my abilit[F]ability
(Raise u[Am]up to your [Em]ability[F]ability) [C]
[C]Yeah you're undecided[F]undecided
Y[Am]eah I just want to le[Em]ave i[F]t
[C]Yeah but I don't wanna run awa[F]away
[F]Focus on your ability
[G]Focus on your ability
[F]Now focus on your ability
[G]Focus on your ability
[F]Gain again what they want to steal
[G]Gain again what they want to steal
[F]Gonna gain again what they want to steal
[G]Gain again what they want to steal!
[Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F] [Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F]
[Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F] [Am] [Em] [F] [C] [F]
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Updated 2019-09-16
Views: 1,983 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: Mark Foster Genre: Pop Favorite: 0
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