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yea, babe, no way

C LANY Am Vote rhythm
Verse 1
[C]White jeans, daydream
[F]You and me, our sheets
[C]Wearing nike
[F]Kissing, no sleep
[Am]Damn, tell me where [G]we went wrong
Been in love f[C]for so long, now it's o[F]over
[Am]How, how did we g[G]get this far?
And still not know w[C]who we are
Is this really ov[F]over?
[Am]Everything was better when
Y[G]You would call and I'd be like "yea, b[C]babe"
We should talk about l[F]love again
[Am]Every night I'm wide awake
I al[G]almost call you, then I'm like "no w[C]way"
Oh, no w[F]way
Verse 2
H[C]Hate how it f[F]feels
I know you're d[C]down the street
With someone e[F]else but me
T[C]Time, yeah, I need t[F]time
Can't for[C]forget about how you l[F]let me down
[Am]Damn, tell me where [G]we went wrong
Been in love f[C]for so long, now it's o[F]over
[Am]How, how did we g[G]get this far?
And still not know w[C]who we are
Is this really ov[F]over?
[Am]Everything was better when
Y[G]You would call and I'd be like "yea, b[C]babe"
We should talk about l[F]love again
[Am]Every night I'm wide awake
I al[G]almost call you, then I'm like "no w[C]way"
Oh, no w[F]way
[Am]Everything was better when
Y[G]You would call and I'd be like "yea, b[C]babe"
We should talk about l[F]love again
[Am]Every night I'm wide awake
I al[G]almost call you, then I'm like "no w[C]way"
Oh, no w[F]way
[Am]Everything was better when
Y[G]You would call and I'd be like "yea, b[C]babe"
We should talk about l[F]love again
[Am]Every night I'm wide awake
I al[G]almost call you, then I'm like "no w[C]way"
Oh, no w[F]way
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Updated 2019-09-16
Views: 1,860 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: LANY Genre: Pop Favorite: 0
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