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You And I Both

G Jason Mraz G Vote rhythm
Was it you [G]who spoke the
words that things would[Gmaj7]would happen but not to me
Oh thin[Em]things are gonna happen naturally
Oh taki[Am]taking your advice and I'm looking on the bright side
And b[C]balancing the whole [D]thing
Oh but o[G]often times those words they get tan[Gmaj7]tangled up in lines
And the b[Em]bright light turns to night
Oh unt[Am]until the dawn it brings another day to sing
About the m[C]magic that was you and [D]me
Cause you and I [G]both loved[Gmaj7]loved
What you and I s[Em]spoke of
And others just r[Am]read of
Others only r[C]read of the l[D]love
Of the love that I l[G]love [Gmaj7]
yeah la-be-de-[Em]la-be-de-dum
See I'm all about them [G]words
Over [Gmaj7]numbers, unencumbered numbered [Em]words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for[Am]forwards
More words than I had ever [C]heard and I feel so a[D]alive
Cause you and I b[G]both loved[Gmaj7]loved
What you and I s[Em]spoke of
And others just r[Am]read of
And if you could s[C]see me now oh l[D]love love
Y[G]You and I you and I
N[Gmaj7]Not so little you and I any[Em]anymore
And [Am]with this silence brings a moral story
more importantly e[C]evolving is the glory of a [D]boy
Cause you and I b[G]both loved [Gmaj7]
What you and I s[Em]spoke of
And others just r[Am]read of
And if you could s[C]see me now
Well then I'm [D]almost finally o[G]out of
Finally ou[Gmaj7]ou-ou-out of final-la-d[Am]final-la-de-de-de-da-de
Well I'm al[C]almost finally f[D]finally well I am free oh I'm [G]free
and it's o[C]oka[(8th]kay if [fret)]you had to go a[Dm]way
oh just re[G]remember the tele[D]telephones well they workin 'em
[Em]both ways
But if I n[C]never ever hear them [D]ring
if nothing [G]else I'll think the [D]bells inside
have f[Em]finally found you someone else and that's o[C]o-o-okay
cause I'll [D]remember everything you sang
Cause you and I b[G]both loved[Gmaj7]loved
What you and I s[Em]spoke of
And others just r[Am]read of
And if you could s[C]see me now
Well then I'm al[D]almost finally o[G]out of
Finally ou[Gmaj7]ou-ou-out of final-la-d[Am]final-la-de-de-de-da-de
Well I'm al[C]most finally fi[D]nally well out of w[G]ords
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Updated 2019-09-14
Views: 3,305 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Jason Mraz Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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