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Papa Loved Mama

Verse 1
[E7]Papa drove a truck nearly all his life
You know it [A7]drove mama crazy being a trucker's wife
The [B7]part she couldn't handle was the being alone
I guess she [C]needed more to hold than just a [B7]telephone
[E7]Papa called mama each & every night
Just to [A7]ask her how she was & if us kids were alright
M[B7]Mama would wait for that call to come in
But when dad[C]daddy'd hang up she was [B7]gone again [E7]
Chorus 1
M[A7]Mama was a looker, Lord how she shined
P[E7]Papa was a good'n but the jealous kind
P[A7]Papa loved mama, mama loved men
M[Em]Mama's in the graveyard, p[B7]papa's in the [E7]pen
Verse 2
[E7]Well, it was bound to happen & one night it did
Papa came h[A7]home & it was just us kids
He[B7]He had a dozen roses & a bottle of wine
If he was [C]looking to surprise us he was doi[B7]doing fine
I [E7]heard him cry for mama up & down the hall
Then I he[A7]heard a bottle break against the bedroom wall
Th[B7]That old diesel engine made an eerie sound
When papa fir[C]fired it up & headed [B7]into town[E7]town
Chorus 2
We[A7]Well, the picture in the paper showed the scene real well
Pap[E7]Papa's rig was buried in the local Motel
The[A7]The desk clerk said he saw it all real clear
He never hit[C]hit the brakes & he w[B7]was shifting [E7]gears
Chorus 1
M[A7]Mama was a looker, Lord how she shined
P[E7]Papa was a good'n but the jealous kind
P[A7]Papa loved mama, mama loved men
M[Em]Mama's in the graveyard, p[B7]papa's in the [E7]pen
[Em]Mama's in the graveyard, [B7]papa's in the [E7]pen
Mama's in the graveyard, papa's in the pen
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Updated 2019-09-10
Views: 2,109 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: Garth Brooks Genre: Country Favorite: 1
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