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[C] [D] [G] [C]
Verse 1
Wh[C]Who put [D]
The baby in charge
It's [G]already hard to buy all
the[C]the parts and learn to use them
Who pu[C]put [D]
The world on my back
And [G]not in my hands
Just give me a [C]chance
I listen to my [C]mama
Listen [D]to my dad
Listen to my [G]sisters
Every[C]Everyone relax
Everybody [C]answers shit [D]I didn't ask
Think I'm [G]reaching my li[C]limit
Can I [C]exhale [D]for a minute
Can I [G]get this out [C]in the open?
Can I [C]sit down [D]for a second?
Can I [G]brea[C]breathe?
Can I [C]exhale [D]for a minute?
Can we [G]talk it? out [D]I don't get it
Can I [C]calm down [D]for a moment?
Can I [G]brea[C]breathe for [C]just one se[D]second [G] [C] [C]
Verse 2
I put too much [D]weight on words and glances I [G]
I put too much [C]weight on situations I [C]
I put too much [D]on myself thinking
I don't de[G]deserve what I've earned [C]but yeah I
I listen to the [C]labels I listen [D]to the man
Try to keep a [G]sense of knowing [C]who I am
I try to be an [C]angel but I don't [D]think I can
Think I'm [G]reaching my li[C]limits oh
Can I [C]exhale [D]for a minute
Can I [G]get this out [C]in the open?
Can I [C]sit down [D]for a second?
Can I [G]brea[C]breathe?
Can I [C]exhale [D]for a minute?
Can we [G]talk it? out [D]I don't get it
Can I [C]calm down [D]for a moment?
Can I [G]brea[C]breathe for [C]just one se[D]second baby?
Can I [G]brea[C]breathe?
Can I [C]brea[D]breathe?
Can I [G]brea[C]breathe?
Can I [C]breathe? [D]
Can I [G]brea[C]breathe?
Can I [C]brea[D]breathe?
n[G]nah [C] [C]
Nah nah [D]nah Nah nah nah nay [G]
Nah nah [C]nah Nah nah nah nay [C]
Nah nah [D]nah Nah nah nah nay [G]
Nah nah [C]nah Nah nah nah nay [C]
Nah nah [D]nah nah nah nah Nah nah [G]nah Nah nah nah hm[C]hmmmm
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Updated 2019-09- 7
Views: 3,104 Poster: Bui Nhu Sy (Bui Nhu Sy approved)
Author: Sabrina Carpenter Genre: Ballad Favorite: 0
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