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Johnny B Goode

A Chuck Berry Vote rhythm
Deep [A]down in Louisiana, close to New Orleans,
[A]Way back up in the woods among the evergreens,
There [D]stood a log cabin made of earth and wood
Where [A]lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode
Who [E]never ever learned to read or write so well,
But he could [A]play the guitar just like a ringin' a bell.
[A]Go! Go! Go, Johnny, go! Go!
Go, Johnny, go! Go[D]Go!
[A]Go, Johnny, go! Go!
[A]Go, Johnny, go! Go! [E]Johnny B. Goode
He us[A]used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack,
[A]Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track.
Old en[D]engineers would see him sittin' in the shade,
Strumm[A]Strummin' with the rhythm that the drivers made.
When[E]When people passed him by they would stop and say,
'oh, my but t[A]that little country boy could play'
[A]Go! Go! Go, Johnny, go! Go!
Go, Johnny, go! Go[D]Go!
[A]Go, Johnny, go! Go!
[A]Go, Johnny, go! Go! [E]Johnny B. Goode
His m[A]mother told him, 'someday you will be a man,
[A]You will be the leader of a big ol' band.
Many p[D]people comin' from miles around
Will h[A]hear you play your music when the sun go down.
Mayb[E]Maybe someday your name'll be in lights,
Sayin' 'Johnn[A]'Johnny B. Goode tonight''
[A]Go! Go! Go, Johnny, go! Go!
Go, Johnny, go! Go[D]Go!
[A]Go, Johnny, go! Go!
[A]Go, Johnny, go! Go! [E]Johnny B. Goode
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Updated 2019-08-25
Views: 5,983 Poster: Zarker (Zarker approved)
Author: N/A Genre: Favorite: 1
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