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Holy Night

F Dalena F Vote rhythm
1. [F] Oh holy [Am] night, the [Bb] stars are brightly [F] shining
It is the [Dm] night of our [C7] dear Savior's [F] birth
Long lay the [Am] world in [Bb] sin and error [F] pining
Til He ap-[Am] peared and the [Em] soul felt its [Am] worth
A [C] thrill of hope the[F] weary [Fsus4] world re-[F] joices
For [C] yonder breaks a [F] new and [Fsus4] glorious [F] morn
Chorus : [Dm] Fall on your [Am] knees. Oh [Gm] hear the angel [Dm] voices
Oh [F] ni--ght divi---[Bb] ne. Oh [F] night [C7] when Christ was [F] born
Oh [G] ni--ght divi---[Bb] ne. Oh [F] night [C7] Oh night di-[F] vine
2. [F] Truly He [Am] taught us to [Bb] love one an-[F] other
His law is [Dm] love and His [C7] Gospel is [F] peace
Chains shall He [Am] break for the [Bb] slave is our [F] brother
And in [Am] His name all op-[Em] pression [Am] shall cease
Sweet [C] hymns of joy in [F] grateful [Fsus4] chorus [F] raise we
Let [C] all within us [F] praise His [Fsus4] holy [F] name
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Updated 2019-08-19
Views: 2,074 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Dalena Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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