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Forget Him (Mong Gei Ta)

Am Teresa Teng Cm Vote rhythm
Capo on 3rd fret
1. 忘記他 等於忘掉了一切
Mong Gei [Am] Ta, Dun Yu Mong Dil Liu [Dm] Yat Chai
Dun Yu Cheun [Am] Fong Wo Heun Pow [E] Dil
Wai [F] Suc Liu Chi [E7] Gei
2. 忘記他 等於忘盡了歡喜
Mong Gei [Am] Ta, Dun Yu Mong Chuen Liu [Dm] Foon Hai
Dun Yu Cheun [Am] Sum Ning Yea Saw [E7] Chu
Tun Fu Toon Yat [Am] Hey
Chorus: 從來只有他
Chung Loy [Dm] Tze Yau [G] Ta
Ho Yi Ning [E7] Gho Yua sheun Chi [Am] Gei
Gun Nun Yeun [Dm] Gho Hui Yun Ngoi
將一切平凡事 變得美麗
Chuen [E] Yat Chai Ping Fan [F] See Bin Duc Mei [E7] Lai
忘記他 怎麼忘記得起
Mong Gei [Am] Ta, Chum Mo Mong Gei [Dm] Duc Hey
Ming Sum Huk [Am] Gwun Loi Wing Kow Gei [E7] Chui
Chun Chi Wing Mo Jang [Am] Kay
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Updated 2019-08-19
Views: 2,454 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Teresa Teng Genre: Chinese Favorite: 1
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