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Goodbye love

Em Tokyo Square Em Vote rhythm
1. When [Em]you said you were going
to leave me [B7]I've just broke down and cried
The [Am]love we had together was so trong and would never [Em]die
But [Am]now it seems to [Em]me, you really made of your [B7]mind
Saying goodbye, and leaving me be[Em]hind
Chorus: Why can't we keep our love [Am]alive
[D]Why must [C]you always keep [G]telling me [B7]lie
I [Em]thought you love me [B7]so
But [Am]now I rea- [Em]lize
Your [Am]love for me [Em]has already [B7]died
2. And [Em]now I'm feeling sad and I just think [B7]of you every night
I'm [Am]going crazy just thinking about the time we shared be[Em]fore
You [Am]know you hurt me real [Em]bad I wish you come back to [B7]me
All you can't say right now is “good [Em]bye”.
Chorus: Why can't we keep our love [Am]alive
[D]Why must [C]you always keep [G]telling me [B7]lie
I [Em]thought you love me [B7]so
But [Am]now I rea- [Em]lize
Your [Am]love for me [Em]has already [B7]died
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Updated 2019-08-16
Views: 1,834 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Tokyo Square Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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