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The heart wants you to hear - 心要让你听见

Capo on 4th fret
1. 缘份让你我擦肩 没开口却有感觉
[Em] Yuan fen rang ni wo ca jian mei kai [D] kou que you gan [Em] jue
爱情最害怕犹豫 再回头只能怀念
Ai qing zui hai pa you yu zai hui [D] tou zhi neng huai [Em] nian
2. 寂寞因你而强烈 熬不过漫长午夜
[Em] Ji mo yin ni er qiang lie ao bu [D] guo man chang wu [Em] ye
天涯挡不住思念 渴望着他年他日再相见
Tian ya dang bu zhu si nian ke
wang zhuo [D] ta nian ta ri zai xiang [Em] jian
Dao na [G] tian jue [Am] bu zai rang ni [D] zou guo wo shen [Em] bian
Chen mo [C] de xi guan [Bm] yuan wei ni gai [Em] bian
心要让你听见 爱要让你看见
[Em] Xin yao rang ni ting jian [D] ai yao rang ni kan jian
[Am] Bu pa cheng ren dui ni you [Em] duo juan lian
想你的时候 盼你能收到我的真情留言
[C] Xiang ni de shi [D] hou pan ni neng
[G] shou dao wo de zhen qing liu [B7] yan
心要让你听见 爱要让你看见
[Em] Xin yao rang ni ting jian [D] ai yao rang ni kan jian
[Bm] Wen ni shi fou yuan fen xiang [Em] mei yi tian
[C] Ba wo de yi [D] han bian cheng [Em] gan xie.
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Updated 2019-08-17
Views: 1,915 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Samuel Tai / Thái Chánh Tiêu Genre: Chinese Favorite: 0
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