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Fú zhū (浮诛)

Capo on 1st fret
1. [Am] Hang gen xuan sha wan li [C] de feng sha
Po [F] qian nian bu bian [E7] de shen hua
[Am] Yi chang [G] hu xiao [F] cang qiong de fu [E7] sha
[F] Yi mian shi xie yi [Em] mian du [Am] jie
Yi bu [Bb] Yi bu ta po zhi [E7] nian he jie
Chorus: Fu sheng tao [F] tao, xin nian xiao [G] xiao
Jian hu nai [Em] he feng li bu guo yi [Am] zhi jian qiao
Ming yun tu [F] xiao tian di ying [G] ao
Shui shuo fan [Em] xin bu jian ao en yuan [Am] he shi liao
[F] Ci [G] xin nan [Am] liao [F] hun [G] zhui po [Am] xiao
[F] Ci [G] sheng nan [Am] liao [F] hun [G] rao jin [Am] zhao
2. [Am] Ceng jing su wei ping sheng [C] de meng yan
You [F] ling ban qin shi qing [E7] yun Zhi dian
[Am] Yi xie [G] shi lian [F] gu jian de mi E7 jue
[F] Kuang gu zhi yue ming [Em] yun geng [Am] die
Ban sheng [Bb] wei zun chi xin niu [E7] zhuan gan kun
Chorus: Fu sheng tao [F] tao, xin nian xiao [G] xiao
Jian hu nai [Em] he feng li bu guo yi [Am] zhi jian qiao
Ming yun tu [F] xiao tian di ying [G] ao
Shui shuo fan [Em] xin bu jian ao en yuan [Am] he shi liao
[F] Ci [G] xin nan [Am] liao [F] hun [G] zhui po [Am] xiao
[F] Ci [G] sheng nan [Am] liao [F] hun [G] rao jin [Am] zhao
Change key up ½ tone to [Bbm] -----
Chorus: Fu sheng tao [F#] tao, xin nian xiao [Ab] xiao
Jian hu nai [Fm] he feng li bu guo yi [Bbm] zhi jian qiao
Ming yun tu [F#] xiao tian di ying [Ab] ao
Shui shuo fan [Fm] xin bu jian ao en yuan [Bbm] he shi liao
[F#] Ci [Ab] xin nan [Bbm] liao [F#] hun [Ab] zhui po [Bbm] xiao
[F#] Ci [Ab] sheng nan [Bbm] liao [F#] hun [Ab] rao jin [Bbm] zhao
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Updated 2019-08- 5
Views: 1,878 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Jason Zhang / Trương Kiệt Genre: Chinese Favorite: 0
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