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Join date: 09/08/2021


If you have some songs you would like to add to chordseasy write to me in comments and I try to add them.

Favorite of marsofson

[Intro] Am G#dim7 My winter nights are taken up by static
Tobi, 9 / 12, 2019 Am C D D7 Dm Em F Fmaj7 G G#dim7 8,629
[Verse] C I know you're somewhere out there E7 Somewhere far away Am G I want yo
Tobi, 27 / 08, 2019 Am C D Dm E7 F G 14,231
Verse 1 Em C I look up from the ground to see your sad and
Bui Nhu Sy, 17 / 09, 2019 Bm C D Em F# G 15,764
Verse 1 A [G]long, [D/F#]long [Em7]time ago, [Am]I can still [C]remember how that [Em]music used t
Lâm Hoàng Đức, 18 / 08, 2019 A7 Am Am7 C D D/f# D7 Em Em7 G 5,397
Dm G This ain't Build-A-Bitch (A bitch) C A Yo
Tobi, 22 / 05, 2021 A C Dm G 3,087
[Intro] C Em F C Em F [Verse1] C Em F I took t
Tobi, 27 / 08, 2019 Am C Dm Dm7 Em F Fadd9 G 11,807
[Verse] G D Em I'm trying to hold my breath C G Let it stay
Tobi, 27 / 08, 2019 Am C Cm D Em G 16,212
(Verse 1) D G Em Salt air, and the rust on your door
Tobi, 9 / 08, 2020 A D Em G 19,196
Verse 1 Am There once was a ship that put to sea Dm Am And t
Tobi, 18 / 01, 2021 Am Asus2 C Dm E F 8,556
Verse 1 D G A Looks like we made it, Look how far we've come
Bui Nhu Sy, 22 / 08, 2019 A D Em G 7,125

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