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Julio Iglesias

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Intro [C][G][Am][G] When I [C] need you Just close my eyes and I'm [G] with you And all that
Zarker, 29 / 07, 2019 Am C Dm F G 5,447
Version with only 1 key 1. To [D] all the girls I've loved before who traveled in and [Em] out my
Zarker, 26 / 07, 2019 A Bb D Eb Em Fm 4,439
1. Je n'ai pas [Em] changé je suis toujours ce jeune [Am] homme étranger Qui te chantait des [Em]
Tobi, 19 / 08, 2019 Am B7 C D Em G 3,913
1. Viens [Em]m'embrasser, avant de t'en aller ce soir, viens [Am]m'embrasser On [D]ne va plus se vo
Tobi, 15 / 08, 2019 Am B C D Em G 3,322
1. If you [Am] go away on this summer day Then you [Dm] might as well take the sun away All the [G
Tobi, 16 / 08, 2019 Am Am6 Am7 Bb C C9 D6 Dm Dm6 Dm7 E7 G7 3,115
1. [D]Hey! It's wonderful to see you once again To see your smile and hear you call my name There
Tobi, 19 / 08, 2019 A7 D Em G 3,073
U – [C] na canción me recuerda [G7] aquel [F] ayer Cuan- [Dm] do se marchó en silen- [G] cio un at
Tobi, 15 / 08, 2019 C Dm F G G7 2,988
1. Vous les [Gm] femmes, vous le [Cm] charme Vos sou-[Eb] rires nous at-[F7] tirent nous dé-[Bb]
Zarker, 6 / 08, 2019 Bb Cm D D7 Eb F F7 G7 Gm 2,932
1. [Am] Nostalgie, on se [B] ressemble Tu es ten-[Dm] dre, moi aus-[Am] si Nostalgie, je pense à [
Tobi, 16 / 08, 2019 Am B Dm E F 2,715
1. [Em]Ou tu m'aimes, ou tu me [B7]quittes Mais ce soir il faut [Em]choisir Ne dis pas que tu hé-
Tobi, 16 / 08, 2019 Am B7 C D Em G 2,549