Tone: [Am]
Capo: 1st
[Am] [F] [Am] [F]
Verse 1:
[Am]I'm in[F]in bed, layin' down[Em]down, naked
He's in[Gm]inside of [F]me
[Am]I love[F]love him, kiss his mouth[Em]mouth, prayin'
He can't [Gm]see what I[F]I see
When I [Am]close my e[F]eyes
You re[Am]replace [F]him
Wearin'[Am]Wearin' no di[F]disguise
You e[Am]erase h[F]him
I [C]wanna feel guilt[F]guilty
I [C]wanna feel that it's[F]it's wrong
I [C]wanna know peace [F]again
Wanna [C]sing a different[F]different song
I [C]want you to need m[F]me
I [C]need to want somethin'[F]somethin' more
He [C]gives what he can
But [F]now I don't know[C]know what he's givin[F]givin' for
Verse 2:
[Am] I'm in[F]in bed, layin' down[Em]down, naked
You're ins[Gm]inside of [F]me
[Am]I love[F]love him, kiss his mouth[Em]mouth, sayin'
"Oh, yeah, [Gm]baby, touch,
and touch, and touch, and[F]and touch me"
I [C]wanna feel guilt[F]guilty
I [C]wanna feel that it's[F]it's wrong
I [C]wanna know peace [F]again
Wanna [C]sing a different[F]different song
I [C]want you to need m[F]me -Need me-
I [C]need to want somethin'[F]somethin' more -Somethin' more-
He [C]gives what he can
But [F]now I don't know[C]know what he's givin[F]givin' for
[C]Softer,[F] harder[C], in-[F]between
[C]You know[F]know just how t[C]to get [F]to me
[C]He is[F] stable[C], you a[F]re deep
[C]I know[F] just how t[C]o get what[F] I need
I [C]wanna feel guilt[F]guilty
I [C]wanna feel that it's[F]it's wrong
I [C]wanna know peace [F]again
Wanna be [C]singin' a different[F]different song
It's [C]only a questio[F]question
If [C]somebody brings it[F]it up
So I'm [C]pushin' it down and[F]and prayin'
He won't [C]see it when I[F]I come
I'm [C]pushin' it down and[F]and prayin'
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