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Turning Out Pt. III

F AJR F Vote rhythm
Tone: [F]
Verse 1:
[Cmaj7] [F] Got it out of my system, didn't I?
[Cmaj7] [F] Did my two years on Tinder, didn't I?
[G] [Dm] Well, I wanted to be [C]wanted
[F]Suddenly I'm [D]wanting more[G]more
[Cmaj7] [F] So we got a bit tangled, didn't we?
[Cmaj7] [F] It's the best thing that's happened to me
[G] [Dm] Got exactly what I [C]wanted
[F]What if I don't want this?
[G]Am I missing something?
'Cause [Am]half the [G]time I [F]can't love [C]right
And I [F]can't have [Em]xxx and we [C]both get [G]quiet
Boy, [Dm]I must [C]be one [G]xxxxedup [Am]guy
[C] Oh, my God, what a cra[Em]crazy mind
[Dm7]It'll be fine, quick, [Dm7]let's get married
[C] Man, I wish we were eigh[Em]eightyfive
Then [Dm7]rest of our life wouldn't [Dm7]sound so scary
[Am] Oh, I'm [E]spiraling now
[C] Let's gent [D]kids and a house
[F] Though I'm [C]riddled with doubts
[Dm] Is this [G]how we turn out?[Cmaj7]out? [F]
Verse 2:
[Cmaj7] [F] Hey, I love how you laugh when we're alone
[Cmaj7] [F] How my dog's always happy when you're home
[G] [Dm] But my parents used to [C]laugh too
[F]And I think they [D]had a dog[G]dog
[Cmaj7] [F] But you're late and you're messy, aren't you?
[Cmaj7] [F] And I need too much attention from you
[G] [Dm] Though we shrug it off as [C]nothing
[F]Life is pretty long, it [G]could turn into something
'Cause [Am]half the [G]time I [F]can't love [C]right
And [F]I'm half [Em]yours, and [C]you're all [G]mine
Boy, [Dm]I must [C]be one [G]xxxxed up [Am]guy
[C] Oh, my God, what a cra[Em]crazy mind
[Dm7]It'll be fine, quick, [Dm7]let's get married
[C] Man, I wish we were eigh[Em]eightyfive
Then [Dm7]rest of our life wouldn't [Dm7]sound so scary
[Am] Oh, I'm [E]spiraling now
[C] Let's gent [D]kids and a house
[F] Though I'm [C]riddled with doubts
[Dm] Is this [G]how we turn out?
[F] [G] [Em] [Am] Everyone's got[F]got it, everyone's got[G]got it
Everyone's got[Em]got it all figured out[Am]out
Everyone's got[F]got it; what do I not[G]not get?
Everyone's got[Em]got it all figured out[Am]out
[F]Don't overthink it
One [G]day at a time, kid
[Em]Add up the days
You got some[Am]someone to do life with
[F]Don't overthink it
It's [G]not xxxxin' science
[Em]Add up the days
You got some[Am]someone to do life with
[F]Don't overthink it
One [G]day at a time, kid
[Em]Add up the days
You got some[Am]someone to do life with
[F]Love isn't big, kid
It's [C]little and quiet
[Dm]Let's do today
I think you'll [G]turn out to like[C]like it
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Updated 2024-04-11
Views: 217 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: AJR Genre: Pop Favorite: 0
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