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B Dianna Ross B Vote rhythm
Tone: [B]
[B]When I think of home I think of a place
where there's love overfl[A]overflowing
[B]I wish I was home
I wish I [A]was back there
with the things[E]things I've been knowing
[F#]Wind that makes the tall grass bend into leaning
[E]Suddenly the raindrops that
fall have a meaning [D#m7]
Sprinkling the scene [G#7]
Makes it all clean [F#]
[B]Maybe there's a chance for me to go back
Now that I have som[A]some direction
[B]It sure would be nice
to be back home [A]
where there's love and aff[E]affection
Then just maybe I can convince
time to slow up [F#]
[E]Givin' me enough time in my life to grow up
Time be my friend [G#7]
Let me start again [F#]
[B]Suddenly my world has gone and change it's face
But I still know[A]know where I'm going
[B]I have had my mind spun around in space
Yet I've watch[A]watched it glowing
Oh If you're listening God, please do[E]don't
make it hard [F#]
To know if we should belie[D#m7]believe in the things
that we see [G#7]
[C#m7]Tell us should we try and[F#9]and stay or should we run away
Or would be better just[A]just to let things be? [B7]
[E]Living here in this brand new world [F#]
Might be a fantasy, [D#m7]Oh,
But it taught me to lov[G#7]love
[A]So it's real, re[B7]real, real to me
[A]And I've le[E]learned we must look,
inside our h[F#]hearts to find [D#m7]
[G#7]A world full of love [C#m7]
[F#]Like yours, like mine [A]
[B]Like Home
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Updated 2023-11-18
Views: 797 Poster: nachorodrey_ijr (Tobi approved)
Author: Unknown Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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