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Once in a Lifetime

D Talking Heads D Vote rhythm
Tone: [D]
[Gbm] [A]
And you may find yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] living in a shotgun shack[Gbm]shack [A]
And you may find yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] in another part of the w[Gbm]orld[A]
And you may find yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] behind the wheel of a l[Gbm]arge a[A]utomobile
And y[A]ou[Gbm] may find yourself, in a beautiful hous[Gbm]e, w[A]ith a be[A]autiful[Gbm] wife
And you may a[Gbm]sk yours[A]elf, well[A], [Gbm] how did I g[Gbm]et h[A]ere?
Letting the d[D]days go by, let the w[G]water hold me down
Letting the d[D]days go by, water fl[G]flowing underground
Into the bl[D]blue again, after the m[G]money's gone
Once in a l[D]lifetime, water fl[G]flowing underground
And you may ask yourself,[A]yourself, [Gbm] how do I work this?[Gbm]this? [A]
And you may ask yourself,[A]yourself, [Gbm] where is that large automobi[Gbm]automobile? [A]
And you may tell yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] this is not my beautiful h[Gbm]ouse[A]
And you may tell yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] this is not my beautiful w[Gbm]wife [A]
Letting the d[D]days go by, let the w[G]water hold me down
Letting the d[D]days go by, water fl[G]flowing underground
Into the bl[D]blue again, after the m[G]money's gone
Once in a l[D]lifetime, water fl[G]flowing underground [D] [D]
Same as it ever was[D]was, [D]same as it ever wa[D]was, [D]
same as it ever wa[D]s, [D]same as it ever was[D], [D]
same as it ever was[D]was, [D]same as it ever wa[D]was, [D]same
as it ever wa[D]s, [D]same as it ever was[D], [D]
Water dissolving,[D]dissolving, [D]and water removing, [D]there[D] is water at the bottom of the[D] oce[D]an
Carry the w[D]water [D]at the bottom of the ocean, [D]remo[D]remove the water at the bottom of the [D]ocean[D]!
Letting the days go by[D], l[D]et the water hold me do[D]wn [D]
Letting the days go by[D], w[D]ater flowing undergroun[D]d [D]
Into the blue again,[D]again, [D] in the silent water[D]water [D]
Once in a lifetime,[D]lifetime, [D] there is water flowing [D]under[D]underground
Letting the d[D]days go by, let the w[G]water hold me down
Letting the d[D]days go by, water fl[G]flowing underground
Into the bl[D]blue again, after the m[G]money's gone
Once in a l[D]lifetime, water fl[G]flowing underground
And you may ask yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] what is that beautiful [Gbm]hous[A]house?
And you may ask yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] where does that highway[Gbm]highway go [A]to?
And you may ask yourself[A]yourself, [Gbm] am I right? am I w[Gbm]rong[A]?
And you may tell yoursel[A]f,[Gbm] My God, what have I do[Gbm]ne? [A]
Letting the d[D]days go by, let the w[G]water hold me down
Letting the d[D]days go by, water flo[G]flowing underground
Into the b[D]blue again, in the si[G]silent water
Under the ro[D]rocks and stones, there is [G]water underground
letting the d[D]days go by/let the wa[G]water hold me down
Letting the d[D]days go by/water flow[G]flowing underground
Into the blue[D]blue again/after the mon[G]money's gone
Once in a lif[D]lifetime/water flowing [G]underground
S[D]ame as it ever was, s[C]ame as it e[G]ver was, s[D]ame as it ever w[C]as, l[G]ook where my hand w[D]as
Time isn't holding u[C]p, t[G]ime isn't after us,[D] same as it ever was[C], s[G]ame as it ever w[D]as
Same as it ever was, sa[C]me as it e[G]ver was[D], same as it ever was, s[C]ame as it e[G]ver was [D]
After the rain holds up, s[C]ame as it e[G]ver was[D],
then a twister comes, h[C]ere comes the tw[G]ister [D]
Same as it ever was, s[C]same as it e[G]ever was [D]
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Updated 2023-07-17
Views: 1,574 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Talking Heads Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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