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The Only House That's Not On Fire

F Lemon Demon F Vote rhythm
Tone: [F]
Intro -x2-:
[F] [Bb] [Gm] [Bb]
Verse 1:
[F]I feel knotted [Bb]up today
But [Gm]in a most [Bb]exquisite way
Like [F]neckties or like [Bb]macrame
Bow[Gm]Bowlines and Zeppelin [Bb]bends
Verse 2:
[F]If you were a [Bb]theremin
I [Gm]wouldn't know where to [Bb]begin
[F]My hands would stay here [Bb]on my chin
With a [Gm]hum that never [Bb]ends
[F]This suit [Bb]doesn't fit me
I [Gm]made it myself [Bb]counterfeitly
With [F]buttons of blue
[Bb]Killing me with [Gm]déjà vu
[Bb]It's a gift for [Gm]you
When I [Eb]escape at last [F]
[Dm]When eno[Gm]enough [Bb]time has [F]passed
But [Gm]something keeps me [Eb]as a pet
The [Dm]only house that's [Gm]not on fire y[F]yet
I [Dm]made it when I [Gm]was an archi[F]architect
[Dm]This is just a [Gm]side effect [F]
Interlude -x2-:
[F] [Bb] [Gm] [Bb]
Verse 3:
[F]I feel strangely [Bb]regular
But [Gm]honestly, [Bb]I prefer it to
[F]The usu[Bb]usual bizarre
[Gm]Damn that [Bb]oxymoron
Verse 4:
[F]If you were a [Bb]piece of dust
I'd [Gm]shine a light t[Bb]through the busted [F]window
And I'd [Bb]learn to trust
In the [Gm]updraft that you're [Bb]on
[F]Click! Click! [Bb]Auto-focus!
The [Gm]film's in the can like[Bb]like hocus-pocus
a [F]picture of you
[Bb]Killing me with d[Gm]déjà vu
[Bb]Don't know what I'll [Gm]do when I es[Eb]escape at last [F]
[Dm]When the [Gm]end of [Bb]time has [F]passed
But [Gm]something keeps me [Eb]as a pet
The [Dm]only house that's [Gm]not on fire y[F]yet
I [Dm]made it when I [Gm]was an archi[F]architect
[Dm]This is just a [Gm]side effect [F]
Interlude -x2-:
[F] [Bb] [Gm] [Bb]
[F]The punchline is: there [Bb]is no punchline
[Gm]The punchline is: there [Bb]is no punchline
[F]The punchline is: there [Bb]is no punchline
[Gm]The punchline is that there [Bb]is no punchline
[F]The punchline is that there [Bb]is no punchline
[Gm]The punchline is that there [Bb]is no punchline
[F]The punchline is: there [Bb]is no punchline
[Gm]The punchline is that th[Bb]there is no punchline
Instrumental -x4-:
[F] [Bb] [Gm] [Bb]
[F]Oh! I [Bb]just thought of how to [Gm]change all the hate
[Bb]Into love with the [F]old switcheroo
[Bb]Dancing in my [Gm]déjà vu
[Bb]You'll be dancing [Gm]too
When I [Bb]escape at [Eb]last [F]
[Dm]When the [Gm]future [Bb]is the [F]past
But [Gm]something keeps me [Eb]as a pet
The [Dm]only house that's [Gm]not on fire y[F]yet
The [Dm]only house that's [Gm]not on fire y[F]yet
The [Dm]only house that's [Gm]not on fire y[F]yet
The [Dm]only house that's [Gm]not on fire[F]fire -yet-
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Updated 2023-06-20
Views: 944 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Lemon Demon Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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