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Sweet Willow

C Arveno C Vote rhythm
Tone: [C]
[C] [F] [C] [F]
Verse 1:
[C]Round about the beacon we go
Taking our t[F]time
Basking at fireflies
[Dm]Singing the [C]songs
That we already know
It’s part of the s[F]s
tory been told round the fire
Of the sweet willow
[C] [F]
[D]And I will just f[F]follow her
To the b[D]beacon of something of a h[Fm]home
In the sweet willow
[C] [F] [D] [F]
And we are forever young
Our [D]tale goes on and [Fm]on [F]
[C]Take a breath
Take my hand
We’re on our sacred land
[D]Feel the beating rhythm
Of the [Fm]heart beneath our feet
[C]Stories can’t be captured and colonized
they never die
So fee[F]feel the spirit whisper through the t[Fm]trees
Like it’s just for me
[C]Ooohh ooohh oh oh oh [F]oh
[C]Ooohhh ohh ohh oh oh [F]oh [Fm]
Verse 2:
[C]I have never wandered slightly off the path
Could it [F]be i wish to run away
And never turn my back
And w[C]what may i find
Could it be that i am not al[F]alone
In this will[A]willow tree i call h[F]home
Will i look back on my life
Regretting the years on my own
-on my own-
[Fm]On my own
On my [C]own [F]
I’ve always wanted a [C]place
To call h[F]home
[C]Round about the willow i know
I’m never [F]alone
Friends of the forest are friends of my[C]my own
Sit by the stream tossing pebbles
And [F]hoping that time will slow [Fm]down
By the sweet willow
[C]Round about the beacon we go
Taking our t[F]time
Basking at fireflie[C]fireflies
Singing the songs that we already know
It’s part of the sto[F]story
been told round the fire
It's part of the stories
been told round the fire
Of the sweet willow [C]
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Updated 2023-05-10
Views: 1,088 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Arveno Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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