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Only if for a Night

Tone: [Am]
And[Am]And I had[F]had a dream
[Am]About[G]About my old school [Em]
[F]And she was there all pink
and gold and glittering [Am] [G]
[Am]I thr[F]threw my arms around her legs
[Am]Came[G] to weeping -came t[Em]o we[F]eping-
[Am]Came t[G]to weeping -came to weeping-
[Am]And I h[F]heard your voice
[F]As clear as day
[Am]And you [G]told me I should concentra[Em]concentrate [F]
[Am]It was a[G]all so strange
[Am]And so sur[F]surreal
[Am]That a g[G]ghost should [Em]be so p[F]practical
Only if for a night
[Am]And the o[F]only solution was
to stand and f[Am]fight [G]
[Em]And my bod[F]body was bruised and I was set ali[Am]alight [G]
[Am]But you ca[F]came over me like
some holy rite [Am] [G]
[Em]And although[F]although I was burning, you're the only light
O[Am]Only if fo[G]for a night
And[Am]And the g[F]grass was so green against
my new clothes [Am] [G]
And I did cart[Em]cartwheel[F]wheels in your honour
[Am]Danci[G]Dancing on tiptoes
[Am]My ow[F]own secret ceremonials
[Am]Befo[G]Before the service began
[Em]In t[F]the graveyard doing handstand[Am]handstands [G]
[Am]And I h[F]heard your voice
[F]As clear as day
[Am]And you [G]told me I should concentra[Em]concentrate [F]
[Am]It was a[G]all so strange
[Am]And so sur[F]surreal
That a ghost should be so practical
Only if for a night
[Am]And the o[F]only solution was
to stand and f[Am]fight [G]
[Em]And my bod[F]body was bruised and I was set ali[Am]alight [G]
[Am]But you ca[F]came over me like
some holy rite [Am] [G]
[Em]And although[F]although I was burning, you're the only light
O[Am]Only if fo[G]for a night
[C] [Em] [G] [C] [G]
[Am]Madam, my dear, my darling
[F]Tell me what all the sighing's about
[Dm]Tell me what all the sighing's about [G]
[Am]And I h[F]heard your voice
[F]As clear as day
[Am]And you [G]told me I should concentra[Em]concentrate [F]
[Am]It was a[G]all so strange
[Am]And so sur[F]surreal
[Am]That a g[G]ghost should [Em]be so p[F]practical
[Am]Only[G] if for a night -Yaaa y[Am]aaa ya[F]aa-
[Am]Only[G]Only if for a night -Yaaa y[Em]yaaa [F]yaaa-
[Am]Only [G]if for a night -Yaaa yaaa[Am]yaaa yaaa-[F]yaaa-
O[Am]nly if[G] for a night -Yaaa yaaa[Em] yaaa[F]-
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Updated 2022-12-19
Views: 1,203 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Florence And The Machine Genre: US-UK Favorite: 1
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