Tone: [C]
[Gm7] [C] [Gm7] [C]
Verse 1:
Folks, we f[Gm7]finally got our h[C]headline
"Newsies Cr[Gm7]Crushed as Bulls At[C]Attack"
Crutchie's c[Eb]calling me, Dumb c[F]crip's just too damn [C]slow [D]
Guys are f[Gm7]fightin', bleedin' f[C]fallin'
Thanks to [Gm7]good ole' Captain [C]Jack
Captain J[C]Jack just wants to c[D9]close his eyes and [Bb]go
Verse 2:
Let me [C]go, Far a[Am]away.
Somewhere t[F]they won't [G]ever [F]find m[C]
e, and t[G]omorrow [E]won't re[Am]mind me[Cmaj7] of tod[F]ay
[C] And the [Dm7]city's f[G7]finally s[Em7]sleepin' [Am7]
And the [Dm7]moon looks o[G]old and g[Em7]grey [Am7]
I ge[Ebadd9]get on a [Bbadd9]train thats b[Am7]bound for [D9]Santa[Dm7] Fe
Verse 3:
[G7] And I'm g[C]gone, And I'm d[Am]done
No more ru[F]running, [G]No more [Dm]lying [C]
No more [G]fat old [E]men de[Am]nying[Cadd9] me my p[F]ay
[C] Just a [Dm7]moon so[G7]so big and [Em7]yello[C]yellow, it turns [Fmaj7]night righ[G]t into[E7] day
Dr[E7]eams come t[Dm7]rue, Yeah they[G7] do, In Santa [C]Fe [D] [C] [D]
Wh[F]Where does it [G]say you g[F]gotta [G]live and [Dm]die here[C] [Dm] [C]
Wh[F]Where does it [G]say a g[F]uy can't c[G]atch a [C]break [C]
[C]Why should you only take what you're given
[Am]Why should you spend your [Fm]whole life living
[Am]Trapped where there ain't no future
[Fmaj7]Even at seventeen[Am]seventeen
[Am]Breaking your back for someone else's[Fmaj7]else's sake
If the[Bb]the life don't seem to suit you,[Bm7]you, how 'bout a change of [E7]scene [E7]
[Am]Far from the lousy h[Am]eadlines and
the d[G]eadlines in between[A7] [Gmaj7] [G]
Verse 4:
[A7] San[A7]Santa [D]Fe, my old fr[Bm]friend
I can't sp[G]end my w[A]hole life d[G]ream[D]ing
Though I [A]know that's[Gb] all I s[Bm]eem in[Bm]clined to [G]do [D]
I ain't g[Em7]getting [A7]any y[Gbm7]ounge[D]r, And I[Gmaj7] wanna [A7]start brand[Gb7] new
[Gb7] I need s[Em9]space, And fresh[Gmaj7]fresh air
Let 'em l[D]laugh in my [A]face, I don't c[Bm]care
[Gbm]Save my [Gmaj7]place, I'll be [A7]there
[D] [E] [D] [E]
Verse 5:
Just be [F]real is all I'm a[D]asking
Not some p[F]painting in my [D]head
Cause I'm [Bm]dead if I can't c[G]count on you to[Bm]today [Bm]
I got no[Bb]nothing[Bb]thing if I [Gm7]ain't go[Gbm]t Sant[A]a [Bm]Fe [Bm] [Bb] [C] [D]
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