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Long Shot

Tone: [Am]
Capo: 4
[Am]Its all there underneath
everything we love and need
you and [Dm]I [Em]
[Am]Look around you will see
broken minds and shattered dreams
wasted ti[Dm]time [Em]
[Am]But I don't mind losing sleep
squeezing through the cracks between
day and ni[Dm]night [Em]
Its such a lon[Dm]longshot
everything that [Em]we've got
just living on t[F]this rock
surrounded by the [Am]sea
With our sh[Dm]shoes off
balancing on [Em]rooftops
you put your faith in [F]preachers
I put my faith in [Am]me
Given [Am]time we could have seen
all the things he could have been
if you tr[Dm]tried [Em]
[Am]But he settled for the english dream
bathed in mediocrity
stood in li[Dm]line [Em]
[Am]But thats not enough for me
I will kick and scream
tell you w[Dm]why [Em]
Its such a lon[Dm]longshot
everything that [Em]we've got
just living on t[F]this rock
surrounded by the [Am]sea
With our sh[Dm]shoes off
balancing on [Em]rooftops
you put your faith in [F]preachers
I put my faith in [Am]me
I dont [G]want to wa[F]waste your t[Am]time
I dont [G]want to wa[F]waste your t[Am]time [F]
Its such a lon[F]longshot
everything that [G]we've got
just living on t[F]this rock
surrounded by the [Am]sea
With our sh[F]shoes off
balancing on [G]rooftops
you put your faith in [F]preachers
I put my faith in [Am]me
Its such a lon[F]longshot
everything that [G]we've got
just living on t[F]this rock
surrounded by the [Am]sea
With our sh[F]shoes off
balancing on [G]rooftops
you put your faith in [F]preachers
I put my faith in [Am]me
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Updated 2022-12- 1
Views: 1,073 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Newton Faulkner Genre: Reggae Favorite: 1
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