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C Sia C# Ballad
Tone [C]
Capo 1
Verse 1
[C] Don't [Dm]cry snowman, not in front of me
[G]Who'll catch your tears if you can't catch me?
If you can't catch me
Don't [Dm]cry snowman, don't leave me this way
A [G]puddle of water can't hold me close
Can't hold me close
I [E]want you to know that [Am]I'm never leaving
Cause [G]I'm Mrs. Snow, 'till [C]death we'll be freezing
Yeah [E]you are my home, my [Am]home for all seasons
So [F]come on [G]let's go
Let's [C]go below zero and [E]hide from the sun
I [Am]love you forever where [F]we'll have some fun
Yes, [C]let's hit the North Pole and [E]live happily
Please [Am]don't cry no tears now it's [F]Christmas, baby
My [C]snowman and [E]me[Am]me [F]
My [C]snowman and [E]me[Am]me [F]
Verse 2
Don't [Dm]cry snowman, don't you fear the sun
[G]Who'll carry me without legs to run?
Without legs to run
Don't [Dm]cry snowman, don't you shed a tear
[G]Who'll hear my secrets if you don't have ears?
If you don't have ears
I [E]want you to know that [Am]I'm never leaving
Cause [G]I'm Mrs. Snow, 'till [C]death we'll be freezing
Yeah [E]you are my home, my [Am]home for all seasons
So [F]come on [G]let's go
Let's [C]go below zero and [E]hide from the sun
I [Am]love you forever where [F]we'll have some fun
Yes, [C]let's hit the North Pole and [E]live happily
Please [Am]don't cry no tears now it's [F]Christmas, baby
My [C]snowman and [E]me[Am]me [F]
My [C]snowman and [E]me[Am]me [F]
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Updated 2020-11-12
Views: 12,770 Poster: Shay (Tobi approved)
Author: Sia Genre: Pop , Pop Ballad Favorite: 48
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