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Ships That Don't Come

G Joe Diffie G# Vote rhythm
Tone: [G]
Capo: 1
[G] [C/G] [Cm] [G] [G] [C/G] [Cm] [G]
Verse 1:
I could t[G]tell he'd had a tough life
By the w[C/G]way he sat and stared
And [C]me, I'd come to push and shove
So [G]I pulled up a chair
We ta[G]talked of roads untraveled
We ta[C/G]talked of love untrue
Of st[C]strings that come unraveled
We were k[G]kings and kindred fools
And j[Am]just when I'd hit bottom
That o[D]old man raised his glass
And said at l[Am]least we had our chances
There's th[D]those who never have
So h[C]here's to all the so[D]soldiers
Who have e[G]ever [D/F#]died in v[Em]vain
The i[Am]insane locked up i[D]in themselves
The hom[G]eless down on M[G]ai[-]n [Am] [-] [G/B] [-] [C]
To th[C]those who stand on em[D]empty shores
And s[Bm]spit against the wi[C]wind [C] [-] [G/B] [-] [Am]
And t[Am]those who [G/B]wait for[C]forever
For ships that don't come i[G]in
[G] [C/G] [Cm] [G]
Verse 2:
He said it's o[G]only life's illusions
That b[C/G]bring us to this bar
To p[C]pick up these old crutches
And com[G]compare each other's scars
'Cuz the th[G]things we're calling heartaches
Hell, they're h[C/G]hardly worth our time
We b[C]bitch about a dollar
When there's th[G]those without a dime.
And as he or[Am]ordered one last round, he said
I gu[D]guess we can't complain[C]complain [-] [G/B] [-] [Am]
[Am]God made life a gamble
And we[D]we're still in the game.
And t[Am]those who [G/B]wait for[C]forever
For ships that don’t come [G]in
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Updated 2020-04- 1
Views: 1,753 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Joe Diffie Genre: US-UK Favorite: 0
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