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In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

[G] [Em] [C] [D]
[G]What a beautiful f[Em]face
I have found in this pl[C]place
that is circling a[D]all around the sun.
[G]What a beautiful dr[Em]dream
that could flash on the sc[C]screen
in a blink of an e[D]eye and be gone from m[G]me
soft a[Em]and sweet
let me ho[C]ld it close and
ke[D]ep it here with m[G]e [Em] [C] [D]
[G]and one day we wil[Em]will die
and our ashes will fly [C]from
the aeroplane [D]over the sea
[G]but for now we are [Em]young
let us lay in the [C]sun
and count every [D]beautiful thing we can[G]can see
Love to [Em]be
in the ar[C]arms of all I'm [D]keepin here with [G]me[Em]me [C] [D]
[Em] [C] [G] [D] [Em] [C] [G] [D] [D]
[G]what a curious l[Em]life we have found here to[C]tonight
there is music that [D]sounds from the street
[G]there are lights in the [Em]cloud
*Anna's ghost all a[C]around
hear her voice as it's [D]
rolling and ringing [G]through me
soft a[Em]and sweet
How the n[C]notes all bend and [D]
reach above the t[G]ree[Em]s [C] [D]
[Em] now how I remember yo[C]you
how I would push my fingers throug[G]through
your mouth to make those muscles mov[D]move
that make your voice so smooth and swee[Em]sweet
And now we keep where we don't kno[C]know
All secrets sleep in winter clothe[G]clothes
with one you loved so long ag[D]ago
now he don't even know his name
[Em] [C] [G] [D]
[G]What a beautiful f[Em]face
I have found in this pl[C]place
that is circling a[D]all around the sun.
[G]And when we meet on a [Em]cloud
I'll be laughing out [C]loud
I'll be laughing with [D]everyone I s[G]see
Can't b[Em]believe
how [C]strange it is to be [D]anything at [G]all[Em]all [C] [D] [G]
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Updated 2019-08-26
Views: 3,141 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Neutral Milk Hotel Genre: US-UK Favorite: 1
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