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Will you still love me tomorrow - 明天你是否依然愛我

A Angus Tung A Vote rhythm
1. 午夜的收音机 轻轻传来一首歌 
[A]Wu ye de shou [Bm]yin ji qing qing [C#m]chuan lai yi shou [D]ge
[A]Na shi ni [Bm]wo du yi [C#m]shu xi de xuan [D]li
在你遗忘的时候 我依然还记得 
[Bm]Zai ni yi wang de [E]shi hou Wo [A]yi ran huan ji [F#m]de
Ming [D]tian ni shi fou [B7]yi ran ai [E]wo
2. 我早已经了解 追逐爱情的规则 
[A]Wo zao yi jing [Bm]liao jie zhui zhu [C#m]ai qing de gui [D]ze
虽然不能爱你 却又不知该如何
[A]Sui ran bu neng [Bm]ai ni que you [C#m]bu zhi gai ru [D]he
相信总会有一天 你一定会离去 
[Bm]xiang xin zong hui you [E]yi tian ni [A]yi ding hui li [F#m]qu
dan [D]ming tian ni shi fou [E]yi ran ai [A]wo
Chorus: 所有的故事 只能有一首主题歌 
[F#m]Suo you de gu shi zhi neng [C#m]you yi shou zhu ti ge
[D]Wo zhi dao ni [C#m]zui hou de xuan [Bm]ze [E]
所有的爱情 只能有一个结果 
[D]Suo you de [C#m]ai qing zhi neng [D]you yi ge jie guo
我深深知道 那绝对不是我
[Bm]Wo shen shen zhi dao na [E]jue dui bu shi wo
3. 既然曾经爱过 又何必真正拥有你 
[A]Ji ran zeng jing [Bm]ai guo you he bi [C#m]zhen zheng yong [D]you
[A]Ni ji shi li [Bm]bie ye bu [A]hui you tai duo nan [D]guo
午夜里的旋律 一直重覆着那首歌 
[Bm]Wu ye li de [E]xuan li yi zhi [A]zhong fu zhuo na shou [F#m]ge
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
[D]Will You Still [E]Love Me To- [A]morrow
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Updated 2019-08-20
Views: 2,879 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Angus Tung Genre: Chinese Favorite: 1
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