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Let everything go with the wind

Em Kenny Bee Gm Vote rhythm
Tone [Em]
Capo on 3rd fret
Intro: [Em] [G] [C] [B] X 2
風中風中 心裡冷風 吹失了夢
fung zung [Em] fung zung sam leoi laang fung [Am] ceoi sat liu [Em] mung
事未過去 就已失蹤 此刻有種種心痛
si mei [G] gwo heoi zau ji [Em] sat
zung [Am] ci hak jau zung zung sam [D] tung
心中心中 一切似空 天黑天光都似夢
sam zung [Em] sam zung jat cit ci hung
[Am] tin hak tin gwong dou ci [Em] mung
迷迷惘惘 聚滿心中 追蹤一片冷的風
mai mai [G] mong mong zeoi mun [Em] sam zung
[Am] zeoi zung jat pin laang dik [D] fung
各種空虛 冷冷冷 吹起吹起 風裡夢
gok [G] zung hung heoi [B7] laang laang
laang [C] ceoi hei ceoi hei fung leoi [G] mung
過去的心 火般灼熱 今天已變了冰凍
gwo heoi [Am] dik sam fo bun [Em] coek
jit [Am] gam tin ji bin liu bing [D] dung
記憶中突然又痛 只因空虛再作弄
gei jik [G] zung dat jin jau [B7] tung
[C] zi jan hung heoi zoi zok [G] nung
你似北風吹走我夢 就讓一切隨風
nei ci [Am] bak fung ceoi zau [Em] ngo
mung [B7]zau joeng jat cit ceoi [Em] fung
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Updated 2019-08-16
Views: 2,187 Poster: Tobi (Tobi approved)
Author: Kenny Bee Genre: Chinese Favorite: 0
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